5. Disney

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Demi and I went into Hot Topic first. There we found black leather bracelets and some long earrings made of golden chains. She held one up to my ear.

"These would be awesome on you!"

I also got a Black Veil Brides shirt and Demi was shocked when I said I didn't have my old band shirts anymore.

I explained that I'd had to sell some things when I moved from New York to Los Angeles and she insisted on replacing them.

We left with several bags of clothes and accessories and Demi told me I had to get my emo hair back.

I shook my head. "I'm not dying it again," I told her, but she flapped her hand dismissively.

"You don't have to. That's what wigs are for." And that's how we ended up in a wig shop, where she reminded me that we could cut it if we needed to.

Then I looked around and she was gone.

"Demi?" I asked, walking forward. She stepped out wearing a bald cap and holding a black wig.

When she got it on, it looked like her hair when she was on Disney Channel: Straight, banged, and stopping a few inches below her shoulders.

Then she pointed at me and started singing the theme song of Sonny With a Chance, making me toss my head back, laughing.

"You're insane," I told her as she helped me put my own bald cap on over my twisted up braid. We scanned the wigs looking for one that more or less matched what my hair used to look like.

She'd gone to look at a different row and I heard her excitement. She called my name and I found her holding a mannequin head with a long and colorful wig that looked nothing like my black, emo-ass hair from high school.

She helped me put it on and I looked at myself in the mirror, Disney Demi next to me. The roots were black and faded into a dark, yet vibrant purple. That faded into the most beautiful pink I had ever seen.

"Wow. Maia, this is amazing," Demi said. "You have to get it. We'll just cut it later."

I laughed. "Who knew you could pick out wigs?"

She shrugged, and gave a little bow.

"Are you getting that one?" I asked, gesturing to the wig on her head.

"I don't think so, but I need you to do something for me." She pulled out her phone and told me to film her. I didn't know what she was doing until she started talking. "Hi, I'm Demi Lovato, and you're watching Disney Channel." Then she attempted to draw the old logo with her finger, but failed, making us both burst out laughing.

I hit stop on her phone and handed it back. She laughed at herself in the video, before we got help with our wigs and bald caps. Demi paid for mine and the lady behind the counter asked if I wanted to wear it out.

Demi and I exchanged a glance and I shrugged. "Why not?"

Tell Me You Love Me // Demi Lovato // 1Where stories live. Discover now