26. Toronto (Part 2)

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I stood there, breathing hard, feeling a heaviness in my chest. But then I heard a noise so I sucked in a breath and listened. It was faint, but it sounded like someone sniveling. And it was coming from the bathroom. I stepped over my bags and knocked on the door.

"Demi, you in here?" My voice cracked, so "here" sounded like "he-re."

Demi didn't answer, but her cries got louder.

I tried the handle, but of course it was locked. "Come on, Demi, open the door. Talk to me."

Silence, then a click. I pushed the door open, seeing Demi sitting on the floor. I shut the door, dropping down next to her as she held her phone out to me. I glanced at the screen, seeing a blurry image of me and the guy, lips locked together.

"What the hell, Maia?" Demi cried. "Why would you do this?"

I frantically shook my head. "N-No, I didn't. He kissed me and I was trying to get away from him." I gripped her hand, saying her name so she'd look at me. When she tilted her head up, I used my free hand to wipe the little bit of mascara from under her eye. "I love you, okay? More than anything in this world. I'd never betray you like that. You have to believe that."

Demi sniffed and nodded, dropping her gaze. She toyed with the ring on my finger, the one she got me for Christmas, the one that matched hers. "I love you too," she whispered.

I pushed up and wrapped my arms around her neck. Hers wound around my waist and she pulled me into her lap.

We stayed like that for a long time, but eventually we had to get up so Demi could get ready for the show.

I was excited to use the new Canadian makeup I bought and Demi was too. However, I could tell she was still upset by the whole kiss thing.

I gave her a long one before she went out on stage.

At the end of the show, I stepped forward, waiting for her to ask me to come out, but she didn't. My smile fell, and I walked away from the stage.

As I was leaving the stadium, I was bombarded by paparazzi, with their flashing cameras and relentless questions. Everyone by now had seen pictures or videos of the kiss, and everyone wanted to know what was up with me and Demi. And nobody wanted to mention how I was pushing the guy away in the videos.

I shielded my eyes and was led to the car I had waiting for me.

In the backseat, I didn't know what to do with my hands. Usually Demi was holding one, but now I just had them folded in my lap as I waited to get back to the hotel.

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