25. Toronto (Part 1)

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The next three weeks of touring were great. Demi always serenaded me at the end of her shows and I was beginning to get used to being in front of giant crowds.

March 19, in Toronto, is where things began to change.

Demi was at sound check, and as much as I wanted to watch her, I had to go makeup shopping. I was in Canada after all. Demi insisted I have one of her security guards follow me, but I declined.

So I found some small shops and shopped around for a while.

Then, I got a text from Demi saying I should come back so we could hang out until showtime. With my shopping bags on my arms, I couldn't put my phone back in my pocket and it fell on the stone walkway I was on.

"Ah, sh-" I started saying, but a hand was reaching for my phone.

I stared with wide eyes at the guy from the pizza place, the guy who told me I could do better than Demi. That guy was now in Toronto at the same time as me. And not just that, but he was holding my phone out to me. I couldn't move or speak. Only stare.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked, shaking my phone. I hastily shook my head and jerked my phone out of his loose grip.

I dropped it in one of my bags, rather than fighting them, and began to turn away.

"Hey, wait! I know you!" The guy ran after me. "You're that Maia chick that's dating Demi."

I rolled my eyes at the whole "Maia chick" thing. "And you care because?" I didn't have to try too hard to keep my voice emotionless.

A hand clamped down on my shoulder, forcing me to stop. "If you're not busy later-"

"I am," I said, not letting him finish. "And even if I wasn't, I'm not interested." I started walking away, not even noticing people with their phones pointed at us.

Then he grabbed both of my shoulders, jerking me around to face him. Before I could even comprehend what he was doing, his lips crashed onto mine. I pushed him away as hard as I could, but he was stronger than me, not to mention I had my arms full of shopping bags. When he let me go, I turned away, wiping my mouth in disgust.

My hand dug around in my bags for my phone, but I couldn't find it. And I was too shaken to stop walking for even a second to find it.

I walked as fast as I could, heading to the hotel Demi and I were staying at. I tried to avoid my thoughts about that asshole kissing me by thinking about Demi instead. But it didn't work. Tears stung my eyes as I ran the last ten feet to the doors of the hotel.

Our room was on the fourteenth floor, and there were three other people on the elevator that needed to get off before me, so I had to wait a little longer to get back to Demi.

A woman who looked to be in her thirties gave me a sympathetic look and a small smile that I vaguely returned. Other than that, nobody even noticed the state I was in.

Finally, the doors opened and I rushed past the last guy in the elevator, desperately trying to pull my key card out from my back pocket. I reached the room and swiped the card. The door clicked and I pushed it open before shutting it firmly and dropping my bags and the key card on the carpet.

"Demi?" I called gently, drying the tears under my eyes. She was nowhere to be seen.

Tell Me You Love Me // Demi Lovato // 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя