32. Nashville (Part 4)

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Demi's POV

Leaving the hotel, I saw something on the ground that had a rose gold shimmer to it, and realized it was Maia's phone. I quickly grabbed it as several paps began running towards me and Max, flashes going off like strobe lights.

They were shouting my name and questions about me and Maia, including if we were on a break or if she was cheating. Wishing I had sunglasses, I shielded my eyes and was led back to the car, not saying a word to anyone.

Maia's phone was cracked and it wouldn't turn on. Meanwhile, Max was checking the location Trevor had tagged in his post and then sped away from the paparazzi swarming the car.

Letting out a heavy breath, I gripped the seat belt across my chest, having not bucked it yet. Once it clicked in, I gazed out the window, waiting to find Maia and get to the bottom of things. There was a tap on my arm, and I looked to see my phone being handed back to me. I took it and instantly got on Instagram, seeing something almost as awful as the first picture Trevor posted.

It was the two of them, smiling, Maia looking like she was in mid-laugh. Anger boiled inside me. Somebody else was making her laugh and smile. He had his arm loosely over her shoulders, both of them seeming relaxed and happy. Before I shut my phone off, I read the caption, but it was just a bunch of laugh-crying emojis followed by the hashtag bae.

My eyes were stinging as I hit the power button, making the screen go black, and dropped it in my lap.

What the fuck.

"We'll find her, Demi," I heard from the driver's side. "Don't worry. We'll find her."

I believed him, I knew we would find her, it was just a matter of what kind of situation we would be getting into.


We found her, quite easily, thanks to Trevor, but honestly I think he made it easy on purpose. As Max and I walked toward them, Trevor had his arm around Maia's waist, but she wasn't touching him. He was saying something that sounded like, "You're happy with me, right?"

I heard some sort of affirmative sound come from Maia, then they turned, realizing people were close. Maia's eyes widened when she saw me, and although her mouth was open, she didn't grin like she normally did.

What has he done? What has she done?

"Maia, what the hell is going on?" I suddenly exploded. I knew it should have been directed at Trevor, but she was acting like she didn't know me. Or maybe like she'd seen a ghost, or somebody who looked a lot like the person she was dating, while she appeared to be on a date with some jackass.

"D-Demi, you don't-" she started but was cut off.

"Listen, Demi, you had your chance."

I turned my gaze on Trevor, anger bubbling and when I spoke next, it was directed at him. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? You can't just go around fucking with me or my girlfriend, and you know what? Yeah, maybe Maia could do better than me, but she deserves a hell of a lot better than you." I remembered that early morning when he told her she could do better than me, but quickly shook the memory away. There were more important matters at the moment.

Maia took a step forward, but Trevor stopped her. I saw tears starting to form in her eyes, either from fear at the situation or what I said. I had never thought I was good for Maia. Especially when I had to cut her out of my life. I couldn't stand to taint her with my addictions. It would have killed me if I'd caused her to go down a dark path that she couldn't get away from.

Trevor sighed, glancing at his boots. "Wow."

I took a half step back, startled. All that, and he just said wow. Wow. "What?" I snapped.

"You got me." He let go of Maia, who timidly walked to me, standing slightly behind me. "I'll leave you alone now."

He walked away, not explaining anything, then the three of us, Maia, Max, and myself, all stood there, confused. And speechless.

Seriously. What the fuck?

Maia stared at me the whole time, wide eyed, until she threw her arms around my torso, hugging me like her life depended on it. Still angry and slightly jealous, I hugged her back, but didn't squeeze at all. I was sure she hadn't done any of this intentionally, but that didn't change her reaction when she saw me.

It was then that I understood things would never be the same. Or maybe they could be, I just needed answers.

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