10. Revelation (Part 3)

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Emo Nite was perfect. Not like my dream, but actually, I was okay with that. Demi and I met Machine Gun Kelly, which definitely didn't happen in my dream and it was almost two in the morning by the time we went back to my place.

We were still singing I Write Sins Not Tragedies as we fell onto my couch. Laughing, I said, "I didn't even know I still knew the words to that song."

Demi grinned at me. "You'll always be emo at heart."

I whacked her with the pillow next to us.

"I had so much fun tonight," Demi told me, putting the pillow behind her and settling in.

"I did too."

She was smiling, examining her nails, then-

"Maia!" she shouted.

"What?" I asked.

"You promised you'd tell me what you were gonna do about your crush. So spill." She leaned forward, and I was suddenly aware of our legs tangled together.

I sighed. If only I had my dream confidence. My dream... We were in my room. Think fast. "Can we go to my room first? I wanna get this wig off."

Demi fake glared at me, but nodded and we got up. She was watching me from the end of my bed, while I took my time with my wig. She cleared her throat, but I just took my natural hair down, letting it fall around my shoulders. Finally, I turned and looked at Demi. She looked ready to explode. And I knew I couldn't put this off any longer.

I sighed again, before starting. "After we stopped talking, my life was empty. It was like a piece of me had been removed, and for a while, I couldn't figure out why. But then, around the time Demi came out, I realized why." I paused to take a breath. She looked confused as to why I was talking about her album coming out. But what I hadn't said was that the song Nightingale had made me understand my feelings. Because of that, it was my favorite, at least from that album...

Thankfully, she stayed quiet, letting me finish. "What I'm trying to say, is that I like you, Demi, like a lot."

Her hands were on either side of her, fingers digging into the comforter as she took this in. "Wow," she finally breathed after a few minutes. "I can't say I was expecting that."

This was already going south. It could only get worse from here, so I decided I had to put an end to this entire conversation.

"God, I'm so stupid," I groaned, burying my face in my hands. "I actually thought that maybe you had feelings for me, too." My words were muffled, and I heard the creak of my bed as Demi got up.

I didn't resist when she hugged me, awkwardly, since my arms were up. "Maia, I-"

Now, I pulled back, cutting her off. "No, I'm sorry."

She looked shocked.

Before she could say anything, I told her that maybe she should go home.

"We'll talk later?" she asked, sounding hurt. It broke my heart, but I couldn't stand to have her looking at me when I knew she didn't have the same feelings for me that I had for her.

I forced a single nod and she walked herself out. I continued to stand there, long after I heard the door close, waiting for my tears to come. My eyes were burning with them, but they were taking their sweet time falling.

I had no idea what had just happened, but all I knew was that I'd royally fucked up by telling her.

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