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When you really love someone, you can get really attached to them. But what happens when they break your heart, and just leave? I know the answer to this. Unfortunately, I had to learn from experience. And that's when I got my 4th Tattoo. I'm not going to deny it. I'm a bad girl, and I'm not ashamed of it. There is only one person in this world that I actually like and trust. Her name is Tara and we met back in Middle School. We ended up going to the same high school so I guess our friendship just stuck. Tara and me had the biggest fight of our life about 2 years ago. Soft more year. It really bothered me that we were fighting. But once I'm in a fight I can't back down. But sooner or later we both realized that fighting wouldn't do any good so we became friends again. It wasn't really until that summer until I figured out who I really am. 

But as I was saying, heartbreak can really change you. Part of it shaped me into the person I am today. His name was Jax Oliver. Jax was my first boyfriend. We had an instant connection. Him and I just clicked as soon as we met. So long story short, we dated all of soft more year and it lasted until the beginning of my junior year. Our relationship started to fall apart when Jax got a job at a bar. He would never reply to any of my texts, which had me worried that something had happened to him. It wasn't until one Tuesday night that things took a wild turn. I checked Jax's face book account and I saw a video that he had posted. It was him fucking Becky Harmon. The school's biggest SLUT. I was going to make sure that he got what he got what he deserved. I ran up to my room and shut everyone out that night. 

The next day, I wanted to show everyone at school my true colors. I worse something to school that day that I knew I would never regret. I put on fishnet tights, with a black short skirt. I threw  on a black tank top, black leather gloves that showed my fingers. I loved my new look, and I knew what it needed to be complete. I put on a choker black eye shadow, and black tinted lipstick. I didn't give a shit that I was gonna break his heart. Because after today we would be even. 

As soon as I walked into my school all eyes were planted on me. No surprise there. Tara looked my way and waved, but I just kept walking with a expressionless face. I swear almost every persons jaw dropped. But I just kept walking. Becky and her bitchy friends walked up to me. She had caught my attention. I walked towards them. Shoved her friends out of the way, and with just one slap, I saw Becky fall to the floor. Weak bitch. People were shocked and speechless. I don't blame them. But that's when I saw Jax and his friends. I walked towards them with much confidence. One of Jax's friends, Caleb looked at me jaw dropped and all of his other friends did the same. Jax was the last one t turn around and see me. But when he did, I could tell that he was instantly regretting last night, and I am pretty sure that he knew I knew about it. He turned back around telling his friends that they should leave. I remember faintly his friends laughing saying " nah bro, we wanna see how this shit goes down". So I grabbed him by his shirt turned him around and punched him right in the face. I'm pretty sure that the whole school gathered around us gasping. I rolled my eyes in disgust. And with 2 punches, Jax was out cold. 

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