New Beginnings

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It's been 2 years since I broke up with Jax. I haven't been in a relationship since, if you were wondering. I've kind of been flying solo. Tara moved to Denver over the summer, so I guess I lost my only friend. Today I am starting my first day of senior year. To be honest, I'm kind of nervous. I'm not quite sure if people like me after the way things were left last year. I'm still wearing the same clothes, acting the same, and being myself. Over the summer I got My 4th tattoo like I said before. I usually get tattoos for certain people. It could be a good... or bad memory. This tattoo was obviously for Jax and I's heartbreak. My first tattoo I got was for my grandmother. I got a heart on my ankle after she died. I was always close to my grandmother. And that tattoo helped me feel close to her. My second tattoo I got was because my dad died. He was out getting drunk, and he died in a car accident. Lastly, I got my third tattoo when me and Tara met. She got it too, kind of like a best friends thing.

When I walked into my school this morning, I saw a lot of unfamiliar faces. But a lot of familiar faces too. Some people were surprised to see me again. Some just ignored me, and others ran away. It seemed that all the new kids were confused. I was wearing the same outfit that I wore when I dumped Jax. I guess I was intimidating. I could totally see why though. I walked to my first class: English. I hated this subject. Well, I hated this school in general, but I especially hated English class. I walked in the classroom, and the only seat available was next to Becky. I rolled my eyes and walked towards Becky. I sat down and tried to avoid making eye contact with the demon. I could feel her beaty little eyes staring into my soul, so I turned around and said "What the fuck do you want"? Becky just laughed. "You know, I'm really surprised that you decided to show your face in MY school  after what happened" she exclaimed. I wasn't gonna let this bitch get to me, so I ended our conversation by saying, "I would say go to hell, but I don't want to see you there". I'm pretty sure this spooked her out because she avoided looking at me for the rest of that class.

Finally lunch time came. A time that I was dreading. Who was I gonna sit with? I used to sit with Jax, but I obviously can't do that now. I think i'll just sit with the nerds or something. Before I entered the cafeteria, I saw a girl drop all of her books in the middle of the hall. A group of random fuck boys laughed and pointed. So being the person I am, I walked over to the girl, and helped her collect her books. I told the boys to "fuck off", and gave them my death stare. They ran away. "Wow. They're really afraid of you, huh", the girl said. I chuckled under my breath. "I'm Alex". She stuck out her hand and I shook it. "I'm Elena...". In that moment, I felt like we were just frozen, staring at each other.

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