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That night, I planned for my excuse to get out of school for a week. I needed to do what the letter said. For some reason I felt that it was very important for me to go through with this. I came to a conclusion that I would tell them I was going to France for a vacation. Now all I needed was a plan for me to get into Mary Mount for a week. I thought about it for hours, making notes, plans, escapes, everything. But nothing would work. But then I thought of something amazing. Bribery. I wasn't proud of that Idea but I was useless. But how was I gonna bribe them? Money? Gifts? Then I thought..... pleasure. Using myself as a bribery almost no man could resist. 

I got a good night sleep and was ready to go through with my plan tomorrow. I was gonna get revenge for my sister no matter what.

I Woke up at 5 am and called the  principal. I told them about how I was going to France and would.t be there the whole week. She wasn't suspicious at all. She understood and allowed me to take off. Now all I needed to do was get ready. I put on some sexy clothes under a jacket and sweatpants. Mary Mount school starts at 8 am. So I left at 7 to "meet" with the principal. I really hoped this plan will work. 

I got there at 7:30 and hopefully that would be enough time to bribe the principal. I walked in and no students were there yet. I knocked on the principals door and he answered right away. "Who on earth are you". He was not handsome at all he was wearing suspenders, messy black hair, and nerdy glasses. I walked in his office and sat on his desk. "Well Mr. Fox, I have a deal for you. You let me go to this school  for one week, and I'll give you an offer". "Not gonna happen". I undressed my self very sexy and his eyes went big. I walked over to him slowly and bit my lip. He eventually gave in and began kissing me. I hated kissing him but he wasn't bad. We had gone for about 4 rounds or so when we heard a knock on the door. I ran to the room attached to his and put on my different clothes I brought.  I couldn't tell who it was. I got dressed, and waited for the person to leave. I went back out and blew the principal a kiss and walked right out. 

I tried to get around the school quickly to find a random class to go too. No one looked directly at me, but it felt like someone was was watching me. I went in a class and sat in the back so no one noticed me. The people here were a lot different than the people from my high school. The girls wore dresses and had their hair tied up or back. The guys had pants and fancy shirts. I couldn't hep but wonder why Karina told me to come here. 

I figured, whats the worst thing that could happen? I was just so confused by the whole situation. Hopefully I would find out something soon. The classes I went to that day were very boring and similar to my school's classes. Bland and stupid. That day, nothing suspicious happened. No one talked to me either. I ate lunch with myself, and did group work by myself. No one seemed to care or acknowledge my existence. I hope that tomorrow will be better. Because who knows what it has in store for me?

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