The Dance

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I woke up really early that morning, not ready for the day ahead of me. I got dressed in ripped black jeans, and a read tank top with my leather jacket. When I went downstairs, I was greeted by my sister. "We need to talk", she said. I had a worried look on my face. She took my hands and led me to sit down on the couch. "Can't this talk wait!?! I need to get to school". She took a deep breath. Karina had a habit of turning stupid things into big deals. She began speaking. "Something has been bothering you lately. I know that you don't just like boys. I know that you're bisexual. I cringed and tried to look away. But Karina wasn't wrong. I was Bi. If it wasn't already obvious. After about 15 minutes of pointless conversation, she let me drive to school.

As I walked into school I was greeted by Alex. The first thing that came to mind was to ask her about Jax, but I couldn't do that. At least not yet. We talked before first period, and then we needed to go to the gym and start preparing the room. There was lots to do and limited time. so we began as soon as we go there.

 At 3 pm, I couldn't take it anymore So I blurted out, "Why did you kiss Jax?" She looked startled and a bit confused. "He kissed me, I swear!!", she blurted out. I was shocked! Did Jax really kiss her off guard? AT about 5 pm we had finally finished setting up for tonight. 

When I got home, I saw Karina getting ready in her beautiful dress. She looked great, but I knew I could never pull of that look. I rolled my eyes in disgust, and went to my room. I jumped as soon as I came in. Kim was sitting on my bed. "Your sister let me in She's really nice". I sat down beside her. "What are you doing here?" She chuckled and had a sneaky look in her eyes. She pulled out 2 dresses. I was confused. Were these dresses for her? She took the long sparkly blue dress and said, "this one is mine. I brought you a dress I thought you would like". I took the dress from her hands and held it up. I examined it making sure to look at every detail with thought. She nodded her head like she knew what I was thinking in that exact moment. I ran to the bathroom and tried the dress on. I had never worn a dress in my life before this day. It felt really weird. The dress was short and it went just above my knees. It was black and a bit lacy. It was long sleeves, with lace and roses on it. I felt myself and it was amazing. I tried on the black heels that Kim gave me. It was really  hard to walk, but I tried to manage. 

I came out of the bathroom rather confident. When Kim saw me, her jaw dropped and she started blushing really hard. I had her flustered and I knew it. "Wow... You look really beautiful", she said. I laughed nervously and looked down at the floor. " I know what this look needs to top it off"!, Kim exclaimed. She ran over to her purse and grabbed a silver heart necklace. She tied it around my neck and we both looked in the mirror. I  couldn't believe that I, Elena Jones, was going to the homecoming dance.

Then, Kim told me something that made me feel sick. She told me she had a plan for tonight. She told me that she knew I liked girls. And that she knew I liked Alex. She had a master evil plan for me to maker her and Jax  jealous. She wanted to pretend to be in a relationship with me. This plan could work. I mean, on the bright side I would get to see Jax and Alex mad... But on the other hand everyone at school would know that I like girls. Kim held my hands and gave me a reassuring look which made me calm down and actually breathe. We were gonna go through with this.

We arrived at the dance at 8 pm sharp. It started at 7:30, but we wanted to make a bold entrance. I wan't gonna lie, we looked like a million bucks. Before we walked in, Kim held my hand for the act. We walked in and all eyes were on us. We flipped our hair and strutted towards the dance floor. I saw Alex with Jax, so I led me and Kim towards them, walked passed them and flipped my lushious hair in their faces. When me and Kim sat down we began laughing. Her plan might of actually worked. We talked for a few hours and then things started getting intense. Alex and Jax were dancing on the dance floor dancing rather sexily. They were the only ones out there and they looked really into it. Then, Jax did something he would end up regretting. He dipped Alex and then kissed her right in front of me. Tears filled my eyes and I couldn't do anything to stop cold tears from falling slowly down my face as I watched his lips on hers. I ran too the bathroom crying. Gasps filled the room. "Elena! WAIT UP!". Kim ran after e but I didn't care. I looked into the mirror and began to bawl. Kim embraced me and that made me feel a little bit better. What was this girl doing to me. Kim dried my tears and fixed my makeup. She looked me right in the eye and said, "Come with me. It's tie to show these suckers pain". A smile spread across my face. "Lets do it.". 

Me and Kim walked out of the bathroom. I'll admit the whole situation was a bit awkward. She guided me to the middle of the dance floor and made sure everyone was watching. Then she picked me up and kissed me for a good 30 seconds. Jaws dropped, people fainted, and others filmed it. I kissed her back without hesitation. Alex"s jaw dropped and I could tell Jax was pissed. I loved every second of it. 

At about 11 pm, me and a Kim walked outside on the balcony and just stood there. "That was a really nice kiss", she said. "Yeah. Thank you by the way. What you did to help me was really out of the way. I'm so glad that I met a girl like you. She blushed and then looked away. " We should get back",  Kim said. She began to walk out and then when she almost reached the door, she ran back in my arms and kissed me so passionetly, it almost made me melt.

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