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It's been almost month since I've seen Kim. I really missed her and was starting to fall apart. On the other hand, me and Alex have been eating lunch together. I really don't have man friends, or any friends at all. As for her relationship with Jax... they're still together. Just yesterday I finished Alex's drawing that I made of her. She loved it and hugged me for a long time. I loved feeling her skin on mine. 

Tomorrow is Halloween and I just finished making my costume. Halloween falls on a Friday which is great. I was gonna be the devil. I had a red dress, and devil horns to wear to Becky's party. I know she probably won't want me there, but that's too bad because I'm coming no matter what. Me and Alex are going together because Jax is out of town for  the week. Alex didn't tell me what she is dressing up as. Hopefully it's not some fairy or mermaid crap. 

I tried my best to pay attention in Science class, but I just couldn't focus. I imagined going to the party with Kim. Then out of No where, a voice called my name over the loud speaker. It was a familiar voice, I just couldn't tell who's it was. It was a girl  voice that was sounded sad and heartbroken. As soon as they told me to come to Main Entrance B, I ran out of that class as soon as fast as I could. I started to run towards A guy holding Karina in her arms crying and struggling to hold her up. Tears began to fall down my cheeks as I ran towards my dead sister. I screamed and took her in my arms while falling to my knees. I began to sob harder than I ever had in my life. My whole body went numb and hot. I touched Karina's cold wet skin. I cried and screamed on the top of my lungs. People began to fill the halls with gasps and shocks. I couldn't hear what the people were saying around me. All I could focus on was my sister, lying in my arms, lifeless. She had a knife in her heart and I knew exactly who did this and they were gonna regret it. 

I stood up not letting go of Karina. Now two people in my life were not with me. I hoped that Kim is okay, but right now Karina won't escape my mind. I gave her too the man who brought her in and looked at him with tears filling my big blue eyes. He looked at me emotionless. How did he find her? I couldn't speak so I took a deep breathe and walked past all the people with the bloody knife and a gun in my hands. Five or Six people fainted as I walked by, and  others began to cry, panic and scream. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, which was heard by everyone because people were astonished now. 

I walked right out of my school with the knife and gun. What was I doing? Well, you'll find out soon enough. There was blood on my arms and face from removing the knife from Karina. I took my car and drove to the prison.  I was finally gonna see my abusive uncle and crazy bitch mother. 

Everything seemed to happen so fast I walked in the prison and surprisingly no one stopped me from walking towards my uncle's cell. 

I approached his cell with caution but with confidence too. When I got there I looked at him with a death stare. He hasn't seen me in years. "So we meet again", I say. His jaw is dropped. Did I really look that scary. Well I guess I did because I swear he almost passed out right there. "You got what you wanted. You killed Karina". He panicked and screamed for help. I pointed the gun at his head and he shouted louder. Tears filled my eyes. I WAS A MONSTER!! Was I really gonna kill him because of what I did. I tried my best not to fall apart right there. I couldn't show weakness. I can't let him win. "Karma's a Bitch". I pulled the trigger. With one bullet he fell to the ground, useless and dead. I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my leg. "What the hell?", I yelled. As I began to fall to the ground in pain. 

I could barely see who shot me. My vision was fading and my eyes began to shut. But with all my strength, I opened my eyes to look one last time. I woman was pointing a gun at me and laughing. And I knew exactly who it was. My Mother. 

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