Tears and Tissues

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~~This  chapter is back to Elena, the main character's point of view. I will let you know when the point of view of further chapter changes.~~

Out of no where, The school was put on lock down. Kids were screaming, calling there parents and crying while police rushed down the halls. I ran after them trying to see what was happening. I couldn't find Alex or Jax anywhere! What the hell was going on. I saw a junior at her locker breathing heavily. Maybe she knew why we were in lock down. I ran towards her and asked her if she knew what was going on. She responded startled, "Yes! Yes, I do!" I smiled and asked her to tell me. "Some girl is sobbing on the floor near entrance B! They think she is having a stroke". My heart stopped. I then remembered that I hadn't seen Kim today either. As fast as I could, I ran where the girl told me to go. 

The girl wasn't wrong. There was a girl lying there with a breathing mask on her face. I couldn't quite tell who it was. It wasn't Alex, the girl had brown hair. Could this girl be Kim? I tried to look at her clothes... until I looked at her neck. She was wearing a silver heart necklace. KIM?!!!? I ran to her as they carried away. Tears filled my eyes as the school got quiet and stared at the baddest girl in school break down right in front of them. I needed to go after them. I wanted to make sure that she was okay. 

They put her in an ambulance and drove away. And that's when I lost all hope. It was only 9:30, 2nd period, and I had to wait until fucking 3:00 until I could go see Kim. I walked down the hall defeated with my head held low. At least 5 people tried to talk to me or make fun of me, but I just shoved them out of the way. Suddenly, My teacher, Mrs. Morris approached me and stopped me from walking down the hall. She grabbed me by the shoulder and walked me down to the principals office. Great. Just Fucking Great. This is the last thing I needed right now. 

I sat down in the chair across the principal. This was our second time meeting in one month... She looked at me, assuming I was gonna talk, but I just sat there while she sipped her tea. I rolled my eyes and I guess that made her start talking. "Your behavior today was not okay, Elena. You can't do these things and expect to get away with them". Okay,  I knew that. But does she seriously understand that my... well.... person, might be not okay?  Because I don't think she does. "I have decided that your punishment will be a 4 day suspension". I was surprised. I was thinking just a detention, but 4 DAYS OF NO SCHOOL!!!! Does she actually think I'm mad? I nodded my head, "I understand". I got up, and walked myself right out of that hellhole. 

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