Saying Goodbye

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Today is Sunday, and I was expecting to just sleep and be lazy all day, but the school put together a ceremony for Karina's death. I really didn't want to go, but I had nothing better to do so I decided to go. It started at 6 pm and ended at 10, because there was a dinner that followed. Free food? I'm in. 

I started getting ready at 5. I wore my black ripped jeans and my black sweatshirt that says SLEAZY on it. I put on some black boots because it was muddy outside. I left at 5:45 and arrived at 6:10. I didn't really care about being late. The ceremony was in the gym, and when I walked in, everyone was already sitting in the bleachers staring at me walk in. I rolled my eyes and went to go sit next to Kim and Alex. 

The principal began to talk about Karina, her life, her school life, blah blah blah. I wasn't really paying attention at all. Then I heard the dean call my name and people began clapping. I put out my vape, and blew the smoke into the air as people waited for me to get down and talk. I walked to the post and stared into the crowd. "Well, I'm not really sure what to say". I took a deep breath and looked into the stands a Alex and Kim. They both gave e reassuring smiles and warm looks. "I'm a pretty tough girl. And I think seeing my sister with a knife in her heart isn't the worse thing I've seen" Gasps and shocks came from the faculty and the crowd. "But I got my revenge. And it's not over yet". I dropped the microphone leaving a BOOM sound and walked out, my head held high. I heard Kim in he stands laughing. 

The rest of the night was pretty dull. The food was okay but I enjoyed seeing Kim and Alex. I realized that they were getting along better even though they both liked me. 

I went to the bathroom to freshen up. In the hall, I ran into someone. He looked at me awkwardly and tried to look away. "You look nice", He said. I rolled my eyes and said, "Yeah, don't get used to it", and walked away. I needed to get home to think of an excuse to get out of school for a week to go to Mary Mount High school and spy just as the note told me. 

~SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS SO SHORT =[!!!!!!! I had a 13 hour volleyball tournament and had to study for midterms. I will make sure to post today. Thursday and on, I will be posting constantly. And remember you can comment any questions or suggestions for my story! I will let you know when we are reaching the end of the story. But we have MANY chapters left. ALSO, I JUST PUBLISHED THE FIRST EPISODE OF HIM AND I!! Thanks guys!

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