Passed Out

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I ran. I ran as fast as I could not looking back, and not looking at the people I ran past. When I got into the bathroom, I locked myself in the stall and began to throw up. I guess I was just stressed or overwhelmed, but I had a feeling it was something more. I began to feel dizzy and groggy. And with one blink, I fainted, and hit my head on the bathroom stall door, and was passed out cold. 

Hours later, I felt a pair of wimpy girl arms lift me up bridal style and carry me somewhere. My vision was still blurry, so I could barely tell where we were going. I'm pretty sure I heard the girl say, "hang in there", but I couldn't tell. Finally, after being carried forever, the girl lied me down on a bed. We were in the principals office I think. I heard the girl leave me the with the principal. I tried my best to sit up and look presentable, but I really didn't want to puke on her desk, so I didn't push it."I am glad you are awake Elena. You took quite a fall". I coughed and said, "me too". She laughed and then her face became very serious. "I am sending you home for the rest of the day", she said. "Don't you want e to like, go to a doctor or something. "I'd rather you go to a therapist. Maybe find out why you suddenly got sick or fainted". I rolled my eyes, got up and headed for the door. I was about to leave, until a question came to my mind. So I said, " The girl. what was her name?" "Kim. Kim Jennings". I nodded y head and left her office.

I usually wan't the type of girl to be nice, but I felt that I needed to thank this girl for helping me. I needed to find her. I could barely walk down the hall. I called out her name and heard no response. I searched for an hour until I decided I should leave. On my way out, A girl cam running full speed at me. When she saw me she stopped suddenly. "Who the hell are you", I said. The girl was panting. she said, "I'm Kim. I'm Kim Jennings". I was shocked. Out of instinct, I hugged the girl tightly. I think I caught her by surprise because she didn't hug back right away, but eventually fell into my embrace. "Thank you, I whispered. And then I left.

When I got home, I told my mom about my incident, and that the principal wants me to go to a therapist. I have an appointment for Saturday. I decided to go In my hot tub for a soak. I got changed into my bathing suit and got in with and began to close my eyes. I had totally forgot about Alex this morning. But then I remembered that I have to help Alex with the dance tomorrow. I rolled my eyes in disgust. What was I gonna say to her. OMG she probably read the note. Things are going to be so awkward tomorrow. 

That night, I  began to think. I really needed to warn her about Jax. She dosen't know what she's getting herself into. Tomorrow I will tell her while we set up for the dance. I ended my night by drawing the sky outside my window. Drawing is the only thing I can do that calms me. I drew and I drew, until I drifted off into a deep sleep. 

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