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~~this chapter of the story will be told in Alex's point of view. I'm sorry if you don't want to read from her POV, but is a major part to the story. Thank you.~~

When Jax dropped me off after homecoming, I was really angry. I could tell he was too. We didn't speak at all during the car ride. Was Elena just trying to make me jealous? Because it totally worked. I was pissed. Just... why? Who even was that girl? She looked like a total slut. I had too much on my mind tonight. On Monday, Elena and I have some talking to do. 

I tossed and turned in my bed all night. The thought of Elena kissing someone else really got to me and I don't know why. I wasn't lesbian, I new I was Bi though I have known for a really long time. And what confused me the most was why she was so open to coming out to the entire school by kissing that idiot girl. As for me and Jax, I didn't really know what we were. We never hooked up. We just make out sometimes. Maybe I can see how Elena got jealous of that. She is a smart person. She knew how to react to a lot of situations. That's one thing I liked about her. She was also really confident and daring, another two things I noticed about her right away. 

It was a really lazy Saturday. I mostly just read and watched Netflix all day. Then I decided to make some cupcakes. Baking was my passion. I've been baking since I was a little girl. Me and my mom used to bake together all the time. When she died, I stopped baking. A few years later I found a list of recipes my mo wanted to make. Then I decided that I would make all of the recipes to honor her. I've only done like 17 recipes out of like hundreds. Today I was making red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. My moms favorite before she died. I always used to feel bad for her because whenever she baked something, she would give some to my dad, who would always find something to comment on whatever she baked. My dad went to therapy and is now back better than ever and I couldn't have asked for a better father. 

After hours of baking, I wanted to do some research on the girl that Elena kissed at the dance. The weird thing is, I couldn't find a single thing about her. It didn't help that I didn't even know  her name! Finally after hours of searching, I came across something. I found her!! Her name is Rory Jackson. She only had 258 instagram followers, and only 10 posts. No wonder why I never heard of her before. There were so many questions to ask Elena. i couldn't wait until Monday. I needed to see her tomorrow. I called her and after minutes of convincing, she finally agreed to come over. Hopefully I would learn more about this "Rory" girl.

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