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I woke up the next morning realizing I almost overslept. I quickly left my house for school bringing the note with me. Today was a new day and I needed to find out something more today, or else this week will just be a waste. 

Throughout the day, I came across nothing weird or unusual. Basically the same thing as yesterday. People being plain and boring. At the end of the day there was a assembly in the gym. It was about BLOOD. That caught my attention. Blood? The principal explained about a girl being killed and how there was a bloody knife found in the girls bathroom. Then I realized something. What if I wasn't looking deep enough? This school may have more secrets than it looks. The assembly went on for another 45 minutes. Then I saw a girl get up  and leave and no one questioned it. She looked different than the other girls at this school. She had long braided hair that was grey, almost pure white. I also noticed she wasn't wearing a dress. She was wearing tight black jeans and a red tank top. I had a weird feeling about her, so I followed her out. She walked down the hall and towards the bathroom. 

When I reached her in the bathroom. She wouldn't face me. I had my hand on her shoulder. She was breathing heavily and was sweating. After about 3 minutes of staying like that, she finally turned around slowly. She had big green eyes and small lips. She looked at me scared. I tried to read her. Then she spoke "You need to escape while it's still safe. You will never survive". She looked at me with fear. "Who killed my sister", I randomly blurted out. Her face showed that she knew what I was talking about. I grabbed her shoulder with force and said. "Tell me what you know". She pointed down the hall at a pool of blood. I ran over there and began to look for clues of some sort. I searched the blood and found something eventually. It was Karina's necklace. I looked back at the girl and she smiled. "You did it. You killed him". Wait... I did it. I killed him. Tears rushed down my face. I did it. She handed me a gun and stood up smiling and crying. I looked her in the eyes and mouthed, "thank you". Then I pulled the trigger. I did it, I repeated to myself over and over. I killed her. 

If your confused, let me clear things up. That girl she killed my sister. She did it to save me. She knew my sister. She killed her because she knew that I would kill my uncle. She wanted to save me and my sister. 

Now that my work at this school was done, I decided to go home and return back to my regular school. This means that i'll have to speak with Kim and Alex. What would there reactions be to what  I did? I wanted to wait another day to go back to school. So I called in sick for Wednesday. 

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