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My heart broke into a million pieces. Now Alex and Kim both hated me. I wanted so bad to just run after them and embrace them, but I knew I couldn't. I needed to be the bigger person and be honest. It's my only hope. 

The rest of the day went by slow. The classes seemed to drag on. Alex was in my last class of the day. We usually sit together, but not today. I walked in and she was sitting in our regular seats, on her phone. It took everything in me not to go running towards her and sit down. But I knew I had to be strong, so I sat next to Amber Brown. She was a nice but quiet girl. Usually didn't interact with people like me. 

When the teacher turned around to write on the board, I saw Alex turn to Jax and do the "call me" sign biting her lip. I knew what she was doing. I knew she saw me and wanted to make me jealous. But If she thought that was making me mad, she's far from right. I just looked towards them and laughed. The teacher must of heard me because that day I got detention. Fuck. Oh well, I told myself. I have no social life anyway. 

Detention was... Okay... I guess. The people were really weird and kinda creepy. I had never seen these people at our school before. I wonder what they did. There was two girls and one guy. One girl had green hair and red lipstick. The other girl was Asian, and had silky black hair, like mine. She was really pretty, I won't deny it. The guy on the other hand, looked completely normal, to my surprise. He noticed me staring and said, "Who are you". I rolled my eyes and said, "Elena". He looked at me for like ever and finally spoke. " I'm Noah. You look like you could use a friend". He wasn't wrong. He wrote his number on a sticky note and I took it. maybe one day he would be useful.

Detention finally ended at five. I rushed home so I could get something to eat or maybe sleep a little. I pulled up to my house and a car was parked in my driveway. It was a pink Porsche, and I knew exactly who it was. I walked into my house and with no surprise, it was Megan. She held her arms out wide and ran to hug me. If you're confused, Megan is my cousin. She's one year older than me and goes to UCLA In Cali. I guess she's on break because here she is, standing in the middle of my living room. "What the hell happened to you", she said. "I changed. This is the new Elena". "I love it", she said smiling. 

Megan is 5'4 and has HUGE BOOBS. She always deny's they are fake. She's pretty, I guess. She's always had a great body and been skinny. Her hair is Black and short. I told her to grow it out but she keeps telling me she likes it the way it is so I won't push it.

Megan isn't bad ass, but she's seductive, rich, and people smart. You really can't get passed her. She was the captain of the soccer team in high school and was president of all her classes. So their she stood. Wearing her blue shirt tight dress and Mary Jane shoes. Her short hair curled and Dark red lipstick. "Why are you here?", I said. Megan laughed and said suddenly her face got sad but serious. "I heard about Karina. And Uncle", she said. 

We sat down and talked for hours. We began to get off track and I started telling her about Kim and Alex, and Jax. "I always thought you and Jax, were like, totally goals". I rolled my eyes in disgust. "Well were split up now, so deal with it". Megan became quiet and played with her bracelet. "Why don't we do something fun tonight?", Megan implied. Maybe that's all I needed. Maybe I just needed to let loose and have a good time. Maybe... maybe all I needed to do was forget.

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