Suspension Break

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It's now Saturday, and I haven't seen Kim since the "incident". I've been dealing with it well. I miss her. I miss her so bad. I don't even know why I miss her. She's nothing more than a friend. And that goes for Alex too. Right....?

At this point, I didn't even know myself anymore. I know I liked girls. So then why was it hard to like Alex or Kim? I had mixed emotions. I've never kissed Alex, but I've kissed Kim twice. I was torn. When I met Alex, she was like a light that came into my life so quick. But when I met Kim, sparks flew all over. Bottom line they are both very special to me, and I don't want to hurt either of them. 

Tomorrow is October 1st. I love October, and I love Halloween. I might actually be my favorite holiday. It's the one day of the year that I can be a real goth and take my look to a whole different level. I also loved scaring kids and people. Becky Miller always has a Halloween party ever year. I've never been, but I've heard  many good things about it. I've really enjoyed my days off, and I'm not looking forward to going back on Monday. 

Tomorrow is Monday, and I'm praying that Kim shows up. I just want to feel her embrace and smell her sweet citrus smell. I wanted to make a big bold entrance to warn people that I'm back and should not be messed with.  I Lied out some fishnet tights, short black skirt, and a red tight crop top. I hope this outfit would make a statement. 

I was really bored so I went in to check on Karina. She is a talented artist. She began drawing when she was 13, it was just a natural passion to her. I've always been envious to her drawing. I leaned over her shoulder and watched her draw a boy. "Who's that boy?", i asked. "She shrugged and told me it's just a sketch. "Can I draw something"? She nodded yes and I sat down beside her. She gave me paper and a pencil. I had come to the conclusion that I would either draw Alex or Kim. I wanted to give Kim something when I see her again. I felt bad that I wasn't gonna draw Alex. So I figured I would just draw them both. I started to draw Kim's jawline and neck. I didn't want to draw a body because Karina said it was to advanced. So I drew them from the neck up. I began to draw Kim's brown wavy hair and big eyes and my pencil guided me from there. I finished at 12 am, and ended up falling asleep on Karina's bed. 

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