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I woke up in a room that had bright lights everywhere. Was I.... was I in a hospital? I sat up and looked at my leg. All the memories began to flood my mind. I killed my uncle, I remembered. Then I remembered Karina and why I killed him. But the only thing I couldn't put my finger on was how I got here? I know why I'm here. I was shot by My Mother after my Uncle went down. That Bitch. She'll get what she deserves soon enough. But did I really kill a man because Of my sister? What If I go to jail!! But I think the only person who knows That I killed him is my mom.... and she was probably put in another cell. 

I rested for another couple hours and then decided I needed to move around. The doctor removed the bullet nicely from my leg, and it was fine for me to walk. It's 8:00 and I began walking around the hospital looking for a nurse to give me food. No one was really walking around anymore because it was pretty late. 

I went into the cafeteria to get something to eat. There was one girl there sitting facing the wall and eating soup. I went up to her and sat down. To my surprise she was really pretty. She had faded pink died hair and big silver eyes. She only had one leg and was sitting in a  wheelchair. "What happened to you"?, I said. She chuckled while she braided her hair. "I was bit by shark over the summer. They gave me this metal leg to keep me on my feet". She smiled and said, "SO, what's your story"? "I was shot in the leg". She gasped. "Oh my gosh that's horrible"! She stuck out her hand and said, "Tegan".  I shook her head. "Elena King". She smiled. 

Me and Tegan talked for what seemed like forever. She was really quirky and funny. Not my type, but I hoped we could become friends. She began to talk about her friends she made during her time at the hospital. None of them really caught my attention, except one. "She has brown hair, tan skin and has breathtaking eyes", Tegan said. The way she described this girl made me wonder if the girl could be Kim. "What was her name"? She looked at her wrist and told me she needed to get back to her boyfriend. I sighed knowing that it probably wasn't Kim anyway. But Tegan gave me her number so we could hang out sometime.

Now I was sitting alone in the cafe with just me and some guards. I remembered Kim's soft violet smell. I cried lightly into my soup just thinking about her. It was about 11 pm and tomorrow was Becky's party. I couldn't believe that I wasn't gonna be with Kim for that. 

Suddenly someone began to walk towards me, I could feel it. I didn't turn around. I stopped crying as soon as the person out their arms around my neck and hugged me from behind. I knew that smell... wait... "I've missed you". I turned around and jumped into her arms. We both began to cry tears of joy while we stood there hugging. I never wanted this moment to end. Kim pulled away and then looked into my eyes. She stared at me for a long time while I just stood there. "I hope I don't regret this", she said as she leaned in towards me. I had no time to react. She pulled my head close and kissed me softly as I sniffed her beautiful scent from her hair and neck. We both pulled away and laughed just admiring each other. I needed to now every detail about what happened that day she was taken. 

"Wait, why are you in the hospital"?, she asked. I didn't say anything until she looked down at my leg in horror. "Oh my god, you were shot! What happened". "shouldn't I be asking you that", I said. It was true that we both needed to catch up on things, so I went first. 

I told her about Karina as fright and tears began to fall rapidly down her cheeks. I told her what pain I felt, and how managed. I told her how it all led up to how I got here to the hospital. She didn't look angry or afraid at me because I shot a man. She seemed to be more angry at the fact that my mother shot me. "You shouldn't have gone there in the first place. Your injury could've been a lot worse than just a shot in the leg", Kim said. " I know. It was dumb. But if you felt what I felt in that moment, I swear you would've done the same". She nodded her head as in if I were right. "Now, I need to every detail about what happened to you. I was so worried", I said. She began to look  said and ashamed. I took her by the hands and told her that I wouldn't judge her no matter what happened. 

"A few weeks ago, I came to school early to see you. I ran across Alex, who just randomly began asking be how my day was and my favorite food and random things like that. I was a bit weirded out by her sudden act of kindness to me. She asked me my heritage which honestly made me think she was spying on me", Kim said. " Before I left for my first class, She waved goodbye and said, "Goodbye Rory"! I looked at her confused. "Wait so Alex got your name wrong?", I said. She took a breathe. "Well... that's the thing. A few years ago, my parents died in a fire. It tore me up inside and made me feel it was my fault. They always  used to call me Rory, which means A useless one in Russian. After they died. I would have dreams of them shaming me in front of everyone. It scared me", she said. At this point I was really angry at Alex. How could she be so mean to Kim? And how did she know this information, and where did she get it from? I was gonna find out, and I wasn't gonna give up.

~~Hey guys. Thank you for reading my story and giving it a try. This chapter was extra long for you guys so you're welcome =]. Anyway, I have midterms in school these next two weeks,  so I will try my best to update new chapters whenever I can. Also, "Rory", does not mean " A useful one". It was just used to make the story flow and give back round o Kim's past. Thank you and keep reading!!!~~

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