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Me and Megan got ready to go to the diamond club just around the corner. We got ready and headed off. I really hope I don't regret this night....

Not to my surprise, The club was packed. You could barely breathe and we were around sweaty and hot bodies dancing and jumping. Megan shouted, "I'm Gonna go get us some drinks". I nodded my head and began dancing, blending in with all the people. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. But was I? I couldn't tell myself. This night wouldn't fix anything. It would just make me numb. Numb from all the pain going on in my life. 

Megan returned with two drinks shortly. She had some Whiskey shots and she got me Jack and Coke, my favorite. I'm not gonna lie, the drink loosened me up a bit, but this didn't feel right.I took a sip of my drink and began dancing again. Sure all these people were attractive, but none matched Kim and Alex. I wish none of this drama happened. Why did I have to tell Jax what I did. They probably think I'm a slut, and I don't blame them. But you know what? Screw this. Screw them. This is my night. And nothing can ruin it for me. 

By twelve AM, me and Meg were so drunk I couldn't feel anything anymore. I couldn't see anything. My eyes were getting heavy and my mouth was so dry I couldn't taste a single thing. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms lift me up and take my outside the club. 

They put me down and I could barely stand. I sat down on a bench and tried to focus on the person. My brain figured out that they were a girl. I stared at the girl puzzled, trying to make out their details on their face. She had dark red lips, big bright eyes and a small nose. Her clothes made no sense to me. She was wearing a short sparkly dress. The weird thing was, I could only see one leg.. so.. who... "Tegan", I say. Suddenly, I can see everything perfectly. I saw her pink hair with glitter all over it and her light eye makeup. She looked as beautiful as I remembered. "Yeah, it's me. Let's get you home", she says. "You look horrible". I laugh and stand up. "Where are you taking me"?, I ask. Tegan breathes heavily and looks at her phone. "I'm taking you back to my place". Wait.. what? Tegan was gonna take me back to her place. I hope I wasn't wrong about her....

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