What are We?

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"Listen. We need to talk".  I kept replaying these words in my head over and over again. I couldn't avoid it forever. I knew we needed to talk so I said, "Meet me in 10". 

We met at a coffee shop near my house. I had to wait at least 15 minute before she showed up. Kim walked in the door wearing a yellow sundress, with her long brown hair tied back. I tried to stay mature, but I just couldn't. So I ran up to her and hugged her. Surprisingly, she hugged me bag, just as tight. 

We sat down and began to talk. "Is what Jax told me true"?, she asked me. I forced back my tears, and nodded my head. "Look. i'm not proud of it, but it's in the past", I say. "i'm really sorry Kim. It meant nothing to me. He was a disgusting, old man that I plan on never seeing again". Kim looked at me in the eyes and held my hands. "I'm not mad, Elena. I just wished you were honest with me. You can tell me anything, you know that". You don't even know how happy I am to hear those words come out of her mouth. Because here I was, thinking she would never forgive me.

We laughed and talked for hours at the cafe. I forgot how much I loved spending time with her. It was getting pretty late, so we decided to end the night. We stood outside the cafe, dark sky but the bright lights, lighting up everything around us. "I enjoyed this", Kim said. "Me too". We stood there awkwardly just admiring each other. "Elena". I look up from the ground and see Kim standing close to me blushing. "What are we"? That was a really good question. "Why don't I show you", I say. 

I move closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder and lean in to kiss her. I kiss her softly on the lips, our bodies touching. We must have been deep into the kiss because, I suddenly felt drops of rain fall on my body. Kim pulled away and laughed, then kissed me harder. As I kissed her I began to think of Tegan. What I was doing wasn't fair. But I kissing Kim felt so good. I never wanted this moment to end. I pulled away from the kiss and looked at Kim. "let's do something we will never forget". She smiles and takes my hand as I lead her towards my car. 

That was one of the best nights of my life. No, we didn't have sex, but I had a very fun time just spending time with her. We traveled the city that night. Parties, food, laughter. It was all perfect. But it was mostly perfect because of Kim. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2018 ⏰

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