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Tori POV

I finish telling Steph everything and her jaw hangs open. "So you didn't break" "Thankfully no. I told him nothing about my past except for my old brothers who are now I don't know where and my step sister but not really Elena who is now dead. I still have her necklace of course." "Yeah Tori I already knew that" I laugh "Oh yeah"

"Well do you trust him. I mean like you are meeting up with him later" Steph asks "I mean kind of but I can't let my guard down!" "To be honest I think you are more bitchy than letting your guard down. Give the guy a break" "Steph you know I can't risk that"

"Look he saved you and he's paying for your guitar. Pretty sure he heard you sing. Just wouldn't bring it up because you went all bizurk on him."

I sigh "ye-" "you don't have to say everything" Steph interrupts "What the hell do I say then oh yeah I've been lying I don't live with my parents I live at an adoption center and then what?!" I say.

Steph thinks "I mean everything I say will have to lead up to why and yeah" I add. Steph sighs "I have no idea. Maybe he'll adopt you" She says

"As much as I wanna get out of here 1. I can't leave you 2. Who knows he might friken rape me like the others do! 3. More abuse! Yeah I'm good"

"Stop assuming Tori" Steph says I stop. "But it happens every time that's what I lived by but who knows! Plus maybe this is good. I can learn more about him before telling him. But I think he'll be mad I kept this from him and hurt me"

"Tori I doubt it." I think "I don't know. But I have to sleep and wake up at like 4:55 so I can get my stuff" I sigh "Yeah I'll wake you up then" I smile "Thanks Steph. And goodnight" "Yeah yeah kiddo but one thing. You trust me right" "yeah"

"it didn't take that long I just made a meaningful impression" I think "Tori you seem pretty sexist at the moment not gonna lie. And you always understand boys so something is up with you. I think this beating knocked you senseless" Steph says and walks out.

I lay down and think "Trust?"


I was sleeping till Steph shook me awake "It's 4:50 hurry Master Allen won't be home till like 4pm but you know he scans the streets very closely." "Yeah yeah Steph well yeah I have to go bye" "Bye Tori"

And with that I ran up to my room as stealthy as possible and went through my secret tunnel. I ran to Hollywood BLVD and waited for Logan.

I look at my watch and it's 4:56 he still isn't here. Well I did say 5.

"Heyo" a familiar voice spoke. I look up and it's Logan "Hey" I said "Let's go see if your guitar is ready" I nod.

We get into the Yeti and Logan of course asks me some questions "Tori" "Logan" "Tori, do you trust me" I mentally sigh "Trust?" I say.

Logan cocks his head "You know like you can tell me everything without being scared" I sigh "Kind of?" I lie.

"Do you trust anyone?" He asks "Nope" I say bluntly. "Not even your parents" "Why would I" I say clearly forgetting what I said yesterday "Because they love you?" He asks "No they don't" Logan looks at me "What do you mean"

"YOU MEAN YOU THINK THEY LOVE ME pfff as if" I say. I look out the window all teary eyed. I can feel Logan's anger.

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