13~This One!

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Before we start. This is so very serious so please read this. Logan's video. WAIT WHAT ITS NOT UP ANYMORE?!?!?!?!? well i found a clip at least

well Logan took it down. now i don't think he was making fun of it in ANY way. i'm the same way as him. i laugh at very serious situations. i cannot go to funerals because i will laugh. no depression is not a joke none of it is. kys is not a joke. i sadly have a nervous tick that just makes me laugh because. well i don't know why. so don not attack Logan he doesn't want to be a serious person. okay proceed.....

Tori POV

I was of course playing with Kong for like an hour. The doorbell rang "Tori can you get that!" Logan yelled from his room. "S-sure" I say. "Let's hope this one won't murder anyone this time" I shake. I opened the door and a guy with like a million puppies came in. 

Logan came into the room and picked me up and set me on the couch "You know I can move myself right" I laugh "But you are so lift-able" he laughs. 

This adorable German Shepherd  kept playing with me. I didn't know if it was okay or not but I secretly played with him while Logan talked to the guy. Maybe these dogs are for a video. The dog hopped on the couch and licked my face. I giggled and he fell asleep on my lap.

This dog was friken adorable! 

Logan turns to me "Okay Tori you are allowed to pick ONE dog and yeah." He said. "Wait seriously" I said my eyes widening he nodded and smirked feeling satisfied with himself. "This one!" I say quickly, Logan laughs and pays the guy. I see A LOT of cash "WAIT Logan if you have to pay that much then none of them" I argue "No." he says and gives the money to the guy.

I sigh as the guy goes away. Logan plops down next to me. "What are you naming him" Logan says while checking the gender. I look at the puppy "Hunter" I say. "I love it" Logan says handing Hunter to me and Kong runs to us. 

I put Hunter down, him and Kong bond instantly. "Looks like Kong approves" Logan laughs. "That's a fact" I reply smiling "Hey I say that" Logan says "Well I do too so deal with it" I laugh. Logan acts offended. 

Logan turns on the TV and puts a movie on "I'm going to change" I say "Okay I'm going to get the food. When you're done can you grab the blankets and pillows in that closet" He says and I nod.

I change and head out. I grab the blankets and set them up. Logan comes to the room with all the snacks and drinks. We both get comfortable and I'm leaning on Logan while he scrolls the movie section.

Like Logan is sitting up and T is laying down but her head is on his stomach and is somehow facing twords the TV idk its comfortable for me 

"This one!" I say ik the movie im about to say is not on Netflix but idgaf "This one?" he asks pointing to 'The Thinning' I nod "You are my perfect daughter" He says "Is this your favorite?" I ask. "You'll see" he says.

"OMG THATS YOU!" he laughs at my reaction "THATS SO COOL" I still scream "Sh-h-sh-sss-h" he laughs while shushing me "You're too loud" he laughs. 

We continue the movie. I felt my eyes get heavy and I was swooped into a deep slumber. 
Okay yeah I know I'm adding to this chapter but I don't want to make a whole new chapter about explaining this whole thing. Now I'm sorry for the people who's been supporting me all this time but I really do need to take some time off of this story just Wattpad in general basically everything because I can't really think.

This whole Logan situation with the Japan suicide forest what he did was truly wrong and disgusting honestly but think about it. We all know for damn fact that if he didn't show that body known but the logang would believe him they don't think it be old clickbait they don't think it be o views money because that's how our society works. No matter what he did in the situation it would still be wrong and everyone's eyes. No one understands and that's what bothers me. No one knows the Logan that the whole logang knows. He does one bad thing by accident not knowing into have this whole impact of the wrong idea. Unlucky for him that people didn't take it the way he was trying to view it. And you're sorry video he has clearly been crying for ages he had the audacity to not even post that's when you know something is up because he would post every day for the logang even for the haters. He honestly does deserve the hate he's getting right now but is coming to a point where it's too far some people are giving good criticism on it about like they hate situation like he does deserve this lecture. But some others or literally making him seem like a disgusting human being. What he did was an accidental mistake and which was appear to be disgusting and ruthless and malicious but we all know Logan would never do that on purpose I'm sure if he came to the conclusion before then he would have never uploaded it and made something else. All my friends are literally dissing him right in front of my face and I had to defend him and I felt bad because he doesn't want to be defended he wants to take matters into his own hands he wants to take responsibility for his actions which is very Noble to me that's why I look up to as an Idol cuz he does own up to his mistakes. He may seem like an a-hole all the time but we all know deep down he really does care. When I saw all those videos hating on him and calling him all these things that he really isn't that people need to pay attention more and learn their fax more instead of just this detail and adding on and some previous information they don't know the whole story it breaks me. When I saw his face crying basically I broke down I couldn't handle it. All I keep thinking about is I hope this blows over soon because this poor dude has his 2018 starting on the whole world hating on him and wishing he would die. That is so very hypocritical to witness because they are hating on him because he was "making fun of suiside" but yet people still make that threats on him. We clearly see how genuinely sorry was how genuine he can be a genuine he was about the situation of him being so very sorry how genuine he tried to make his message but yet all people see or the flaws which disgust me because people are always like oh don't pay attention to what people say or we all have our insecurities we should do with them blah blah blah. But yet everyone seems to just pinned them on everyone. I'm sorry for not having the guts to write a new chapter but I just need like a few days maybe two days of a break because I just can't focus. 

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