7~Caught But It All Spills....

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Tori POV

"M-m-master Allen what are you doing here" I say shaking everywhere. "I'm wondering the same thing. Explain and who is this man" Master Allen says. I can smell all the tobacco that he consumed into his selfish good for nothing self.

"Wait is this your father" Logan asks. I inch closer twords Logan "No he's not" I say. Master looks at me and gives me an evil smirk. "Wait he doesn't know, does he?" Master spits. "No he doesn't" "Oh then why don't you tell him. Or else I will. Wow you really thought he'd take you in" "No Master I didn't" I sigh.

"Okay I'm confused what's happening!" Logan says. "Well darling tell him. Tell the man" Master says clearly enjoying me suffer. "Logan, I don't have a family. I live in an orphanage across the ₩. I lied. I've been lying. I'm sorry. I just have major trust issues and I don't depend on people . I hate my past, my so called family, my present life, who I am, I just hate me" at this point tears were flowing down so fast oof like those Once upon A Time moments. Those get me HARD! 

"And lastly. I get if you end up hating me. I get if you never want to see me ever again. Even to think you'd adopt me" I broke down in complete tears "I'm a waste" I say. I sat on the ground my face buried in my knees. Logan was left speechless. He sat right next to me and hugged me.

"OH PLEASE get off of her she is disgusting and just seeking for attention! You obviously don't need her in your life anymore. Well let's go Victoria" Master spits grabbing my wrist and yanking me. Logan stands up. "Get. Your. Hands. Off. Of. MY. Daughter. Now." Logan spat through his gritted teeth. "Oh come on you really want to adopt this piece of trash I have better offers" Master said "Not interested. I want her." Logan said. 

He picked me up and held me close not letting Master even try grabbing me. Logan was definitely bigger. "Now let's go make it official" Logan said. I smiled while my face was buried in his chest, my tears staining his tight blue V-neck shirt. We get in the Yeti and follow M- Allen to the center.

WOOOOOOOOO I hate tea but damn this was intense welp see ya'll tomorrow. 

Hopefully Logan doesn't back out? Or does he....

Hopefully this isn't all a nightmare? Wait that could be...

Well you have to see...............................

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