AL three: The agreement

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Happy new year :)


Yeri yawned and stretched her hands, her shift is finally over, she looked over the costumers in the cafe there were around ten people still there, some have their laptops opened, some are reading, or eating, and some are just looking outside the city, looking at the color of the sky turning into black-bluish while sipping in their cup of coffee.

Yeri thought she's not the only having a hard time, these people work overnight to survive in this world too. As for what happened between her and her neighbor, about her telling him that she's an orphan, He didn't comment about it and here she thought that he'd atleast tease her about it. They actually forgot about it when Yeri noticed that Jungkook left no noodles for her making her hit his head with the chopstick that she's holding.

With her sling bag, Yeri waited for the bus to come. And she saw the guys again, there are five of them, though they looks like they are around her age she's was still afraid because they look like they waited for her, expecting for her to arrive this time.

She was looking ahead the road. The bus usually arrive before six but it was still five.

Yeri decided to just walk just to be safe but she had to pass the guys so she looked down quietly and passed by them.

She was startled when one of the guys touched her shoulder, stopping her from walking. She looked at him since he was gripping her shoulder.

"Give me your bag while I'm still asking nicely."

My bag? It has only her clothes and few notebooks though, the money inside her wallet is just enough to last her for a week before she gets her pay.

ugh.. these guys, they totally got a wrong person to steal.

But it seems like they don't have  dangerous weapon with them, she can run this off, it's the only sport she's good at.

"Don't even think of running away. I have a knife with me. Make sure you have money with you or else we're going to take you with us."

And now running away is out of option. She sighed. And giving up her bag is out of option too since she can't tell them that she doesn't have enough money, surely they wouldn't accept that lump sum of money. Think Yeri, think.

She thought of something,

I just hope I don't fail. Making the sign of the cross in her head.

She slowly gave the bag to the guy then pushed it to his chest with force so he fell on the ground, Yeri grabbed the chance and ran away. Though it was not a good idea since the rest of his friends chased her. She's like a lunaric trying to escape, she think she looks crazy now.

She was glad she was fast, she turn to a building and hide in the corner of the garbages. She didn't heard anything for a while. They must have gone away now so she stood up.

"She's here!" a guy shouted when he saw her.

Yeri can only stand back on the wall and look at the five guys.

"You don't have much in your wallet but..." the guy who must be the leader looked at her from head to toe, "You have a nice body and pretty face, it'll do."


Yeri was now terrified. No, she was not going to let herself to go with them. She kicked the guy below his waist and tried to run but she was held by the others.

"You bitch..." He said while holding his pants. He suddenly came to her and slapped her hard on her face making Yeri fall on the ground.

She closed her eyes waiting for the impact when the guy attempted to slap her again when suddenly she heard someone's voice.

"Why don't you try finding your own size?"

She doesn't have any intention of crying but when she heard his voice, she felt crying. The slap on her face was enough to make her tear up but she didn't , only now that he's here she did not hold back her tears from falling, she's safe now.

"Who the hell are you? Mind your fu**in business. Is she your girlfriend?"

"You don't have to know my name." Jungkook showed them his bracelet which the guys recognized immediately. "And no she's not my girlfriend but I know her."

Jungkook clenched his fists and charged towards them, he won't go easy on them.

Yeri can only look at Jungkook fight the five guys on his own not even sweating, while she's at the corner,  her tears now stopped from falling now.

"You'll pay for this!" "We're not finished yet, remember that!" said the guys and ran off after Jungkook beat them up, one of them was not even standing anymore they had to carry him.

He turned towards her and kneel on one knee. He searched her body for some wounds or bruises then his eyes went back to hers, he gently touched her red cheeks, she winced in pain.

"It's okay now, can you stand?"

Yeri nodded biting her lips, she can feel the pain on her cheeks now more than a while ago.

He supported her to stand and led her to his bike, he gently put the helmet on her and helped her get on his bike. She noticed that her bag is in Jungkook's hand, he slung it on his neck and started the engine. Once they arrive in her apartment, Jungkook helped her treat her bruises and her red cheeks.

"Does your body hurt anywhere?" Yeri shook her head. "That's good then. Did they do anything to you aside to that?" referring to her red cheeks. She shook her again."If it wasn't for your bag I wouldn't know something bad happened to you."  His stomach growled and Yeri looked at him, she's feeling better now. He touched his stomach.

"I'm hungry."

She chuckled and stood up toward the kitchen counter.

"Stay, I'll cook, you saved me after all."


Yeri cooked for breakfast and Jungkook prepared the table while she's cooking the food. They ate together, it was not awkward, because Jungkook was pigging out his food Yeri can only laugh at his behaviour.

"Ya~ that was good. Thanks, I wonder when will I get to eat this delicious food again."

Yeri just shrugged at him and started cleaning the table.

"How long are you going to work overnight anyway?"

Yeri answered him while wiping the table. "Only until the school starts."

"Hm.. ah! I have a good idea." Yeri stopped wiping and focused her attention to him. "Since those guys might still be there, how about I get you from work in exchange you cook for me."

Yei thought of his idea. It's not bad, they both gain from it.


"yeah! I'll get to eat delicious food. Can I request what to eat?"  Yeri nodded. "Tell me beforehand so I can prepare the ingredients." Jungkook 'ok-ed'

"You know what..." He said when he was at the door. "I'm kind of envious of you too."

Yeri just looked at him, not understanding why would he be jealous of her. Is it because she knows how to cook?

"You're an orphan and yet you grew up so well, unlike me." He smirked and flicked her forehead. "I'm going, sleep well." then went out.

Yeri just touched her forehead, he just flicked her forehead softly so it didn't hurt. Jungkook... he's not half bad. Now Yeri wonder what made him run away from home.

Just like her and the people she encounter everyday at the cafe, they have different situations and problems that they face in the world but there's one thing that compares them, to survive. May it be to get by through the day or for a moment, all people live to survive. And it's up to you how you make it.

How ironic.

Yeri thought looking at her closed door. She went to her bedroom and sleep.


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