AL twenty-five: Give up

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Yeri didn't look at Jungkook and only stared at his grandfather. She was angry at his grandfather, Jungkook and to herself. She didn't know that he was having a hard time and yet she still got angry at him. She felt useless, what kind of a girlfriend is she? She's not worthy of him. Now he's going to lose everything because of her.

She was taken by some guys inside a car and she just realized she was taken into another school. She knew his grandfather purposely let her hear all the things he said and it worked. What is she anyway? She's just a nobody, she can't provide him the things he really needed, love, yes she can give that to him but that's the only thing she can give him. But she's not giving up.

"You lady. After hearing all those things, do you still want to take him?" His grandfather asked with a mocking smile.


"And what are you going to give him when you yourself can't even provide for yourself? love? That's a petty thing."

Yeri clenched her hands. "If love is petty then can your money satisfy you? I don't think so." If its argument then she won't back down. "I know I can't provide him the necessary things he needed but I will support him the things he wished to accomplish. If the world is all about money then your grandson wouldn't have ran away. The love you called petty is what you lack, a very simple thing and doesn't require any payment and yet you can't even provide that to your grandson."

His grandfather's smile faded and Yeri stared hard at him. She was scared because the man is powerful but if she wish to back down now, it just mean she's telling him to do what he wants.

Before he could talk back at her, Yeri continued.

"I bet you were lonely all your life sir." To not love is not an easy thing. It's hard not to. "I pity you."

Jungkook's grandfather clenched his jaw unable to talk back. He wasn't even able to stop her from going to Jungkook

Yeri helped Jungkook get on his feet by holding him by his arms.

They both walked towards the door but before they went out Yeri turned to his grandfather. "You can come hard at me sir but as long as your grandson likes me, I won't be swayed." she said then bowed after.

When they get outside of the room, Jungkook's friends were there. They helped him went to the clinic.

"I'm fine."

Yeri glared at him, Jungkook immediately sat still on the bed. His friends left them after Yeri said she can take care of him.

"I'm breaking up with you."

Jungkook stared at her. "What did you say?" After all those things she said to her grandfather? Did she just put a front?

Yeri stared back at him and the tears she tried to hold back spill down on her cheeks. It became hard for her to breath.

"Because of me... because you're with me... you're sacrificing so many things." She punched him on the chest. "You wanted to become the world's number one! You have a dream, don't you? But you're going to give up-- You gave it up because of me? You jerk! What do you think of me? You think my conscience can take that? You didn't even tell me." she said between sobs. He's too good for her. She wiped her tears and calmed down. "Let's break up. Go to your grandfather and beg for forgiveness, I don't want you to give up your dream just because of me." He ran away from home because of his dream but he met her and he lose it now, she didn't want to be the reason why he can't race.

Jungkook got her point and he could go back if he wanted to but if he does, he have to give her up.

Jungkook wiped her cheeks and pulled her for a hug. Is their love too much that they are willing to give up anything for each other? Even if it means giving up the other? How ironic. He kissed the top of her head and carressed her hair.

"Don't worry, I'm not giving up on my dream."

Yeri pushed him and look up at him. He's really going to break up with her? Even though she was the one who told him that, she was just giving him the chance to make the decision.

Jungkook stared at her passionately. "I'm not giving up on you Kim Yerim. After all, you are my dream."

"W-what?" Racing was his dream right?

He chuckled. "Racing... I can afford to lose it but you, I don't think I can." He kissed her temple. "Everytime you ride my bike, all I can think about is how to make you safe. To make you feel secure when you wrap your arms around me. I never cared about other things but you came and made me feel things I never thought I can. I'm not that capable like Woo Hyun or smart like Taeyong but I hope you won't give up on me... Don't give me up." He said almost pleading.

The tears that stopped, continued to fall again. Yeri stood up from her seat smiling and hugged him.

"I'm not. I'm not going to give up. Ever."

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