AL eighteen: Under the stars

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Happy 1k read, enjoy ! :)


Yeri kept on wiping the counter when at the corner of her eyes, she can saw her boss, who keeps on looking at the door as if waiting for someone to come. Costumer perhaps? But Yeri got the feeling that it's Joy unnie he's waiting for.

She wondered if he knew about Joy's blind date. Should she tell him? But it's not her place though, They are both old anyway, they can handle it themselves. With that in mind, Yeri decided not to tell Jin and continued doing her work.

The clock struck at 11 and Yeri went to the staff room to get her things. When she came out using the exit, she saw Jungkook standing beside his bike.

When he saw her, Yeri thought that he's acting a bit different, like he's nervous or something. But it was only for a moment. She walked towards him and picked up the helmet. She was about to climb on the bike when Jungkook stopped her.

She was stunned when he came closer to her and made her wear a thick coat himself. She was too shock to ask that time since all she could think of was how close he was to her. But it's not like they didn't get close before, still Jungkook flustered her in anyway possible.


"You'll see." Jungkook grinned and climb on the bike before taking her hand so she could climb at the back.

Jungkook started the engine and Yeri encircled her arms around his waist since he always drive fast but she thought that he's driving a little slower for some reason.

Yeri shrugged and closed her eyes leaning to his back, she's tired anyway so she won't argue with him tonight. She can smell Jungkook's cologne and feel his warmth through his leather jacket, but the wonderful thing is that how he can make her feel secure despite going on a full speed. She hugged him tighter afraid she'll fall asleep.

Yeri didn't knew what time it was already but Jungkook was driving for too long now and she's starting to get sleepy that when she was about to let go of his waist, he hold her hand so she could tighten her hold and also to tell her not to fall asleep.

When Jungkook stopped, Yeri looked around their sorroundings. She can't still figure out where they are, all she can see is a huge white building.

"I'm going to put a handkerchief on your eyes, ok?" Jungkook said and put a handkerchief on her eyes and tied it, Yeri wasn't even able to protest when he held her hand so he could led her the way.

"Where are we really going? You're acting weird today, did something happen?" She asked nonstop while holding onto his arm since she's starting to get a little scared.

She heard him chuckled. "Don't be scared, I'm here for you. You'll see just a bit more, hang in there." To assure her, he pulled her closer by putting his one arm around his shoulder.

Yeri just sensed her sorrounding since she can't see. Jungkook led her since there are stairs when Jungkook stopped, Jungkook let go of her and Yeri panicked but he held her hand saying that he's just infront of her. She heard rustles still she didn't remove the handkerchief since he didn't told her yet.

"You can see now."

With that, Yeri removed the handkerchief. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked around, her eyes widen and her mouth hanged open unknowingly when she realized where they are and when she looked back at Jungkook, he was smiling at her. He was proud and relieved that she liked his surprise.


"Ho--Why?" Yeri didn't know what to say or ask. She's still amazed at his surprise. "I-is this a planetarium?"

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