AL fourteen: Each of their own

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Yeri didn't cry but she went inside the cafe to work instead, she just finished changing her uniform when she came out of the staff room when she saw Joy at the counter urging her boss again.

"Ah jinjja!" Jin exclaimed at Joy. "I told you I won't go, why won't you listen?!"

It's a relief that there's just a few costumers in there, Jin look so scary when he's angry.

Yeri walked towards the counter infront of the cashier and since there was no costumer yet, she watched the two with fascination. She's still amazed that Jin shows different facial expression in front of Joy and it seems like they don't mind arguing infront of other people or they just don't notice that people are staring at them.

"No, I'll come here everyday until you say 'yes'. It's just a day, why can't you do me a favor? I know you hate it but give me a chance to prove to you that I can do it." Joy said in a calm but determined voice.

It seems like Jin doesn't like it that Joy is into racing. If she was Jin, Yeri thought that she would hate it too. She doesn't know about a man's pride but Joy is a girl, and it's rare for girls to do dangerous sports. In her case with Jungkook, it's the opposite, although she knows the dangers of the sport, she's amazed by him. But it's their business and she won't butt in.

Thinking about him made Yeri frustrated again. Why does all the things that she thinks about always end up to him?

Argh! I hate you Jeon Jungkook!

Although she was not feeling well, she tried her best to do her work well. She saw Joy on the corner, both her and Jin stopped talking awhile ago, Jin went inside the kitchen but Joy didn't left.

Yeri looked up at the clock, it was near eleven and she knew that he won't come to pick her up. Although Jin is the manager, he still goes home but comes back at 3 am, so at eleven he left but Joy didn't follow him. It was also Yeri's time to left but she felt like she need to talk to Joy so she sat down across the table facing her.

"Unnie..." Yeri called.

Joy faced her and smiled. "Mian... You have to saw that." she said pertaining about earlier.

"No, it's okay... are you okay?"

"Molla... I don't know if I can do well on saturday... I really want him to be there."


Joy chuckled upon seeing Yeri's worried expression. "I'll be okay, don't worry. How about you? you don't look well earlier..."

Yeri contemplated if she should tell her but since it's her sister, she knows Jungkook more than her so she told her what happened and Joy intently listened to her.

"...that's all unnie. So now, I'm wondering what I should do because I can't understand why he acted that way..." although she explained it to him. That jerk!

Joy nodded leaning on the chair and crossed her arms. "You know about our family already right?" Yeri nodded."Although we're only related by father, I've grown close to him and one thing I learned from him is that he doesn't trust people easily. His mother hid the fact that she's a mistress and worked in a pub but told Jungkook that she's working in a company so he won't wonder where she got the money, he found out eventually..."

"... It took awhile before he opened up to me but he opened up to you rather earlier, you have a soft spot in him that's why he got angry. Don't take it to heart and understand him, okay?"

Yeri nodded, looking down at her hands on her lap. "Thank you unnie."

So that's why he got angry at her when she talked to her father last time.

Jeon Jungkook... you're really a mystery.


"Yah, what's wrong with him?" Hoseok nudged Namjoon while looking at Jungkook who's busy repairing his bike. "Did his motor did something bad to him? Why does he look angry?"

"Molla, He was fine this afternoon, his mood changed after coming back. He said he'll pick up Yeri."

"eoh! that's right! he always left around this time, did they had a fight?"


Jungkook walked towards them while cleaning his hands with a cloth "What are you the two of you hyung talking about?" he asked suspiciously furrowing his eyebrows.

"Ah... Nothing-" Hoseok denied but Namjoon cut him off.

"We're talking about Yeri. Aren't you going to pick her up? It's past eleven now." Namjoon said looking at his watch.

"Not today, we fought... or more like I shouted at her." He admitted.

"Bwo?! you what?!--" Hoseok asked in disbelief. "Why?"

"It's just... I was jealous." He partly admitted though it was not really the whole case.

"Huh?!" Namjoon and Hoseok said in unison. No wonder he's a kid, his reason is so childish. The two thought the same thing.

"Yah, you were also jealous with her friend last time but you didn't fought." Hoseok said.

"It's different this time." Jungkook just plainly said. Thinking about it now, what he said was really harsh. He shouldn't have acted so impulsively, now she might want to break up with him, she'd think he doesn't have faith on her.

Me and my temper, tsk.

"What exactly did you tell her?" Namjoon asked crossing his arms acting as if he's interrogating.

Jungkook told them everything rather regretfully. The two nodded so Jungkook thought that they understood him.

"Atleast you didn't curse at her." Hoseok said nodding his head after Jungkook finished talking.

Namjoon elbowed him in the ribs making Hoseok scowl with 'ow' and looked at Namjoon as if asking what was that for.

"When was the last time you talked to her?" Namjoon asked ignoring Hoseok.

That got Jungkook thinking, when did we last talked? really talked. He counted with his fingers.

"About... a week? more than?... I don't know, I was busy." But he never felt that since he pick her up at work always and she gave him lunch boxes.

"More than a week?! That's no different from being in a long distance relationship." Hoseok butted in but Namjoon glared at him so Hoseok shut his mouth.

Namjoon faced Jungkook again. "Then it's not also her fault. Communication is a must in a relationship and what do you expect of her? Yeri is a girl, naturally guys will go after her since you're not around, don't think that you're the only guy here on earth who can like her. She explained right? if she didn't tell you that then it must've been not worth mentioning so why get angry at her? You hurted the poor girl, you're not even helping her with the research." Namjoon scolded.

Right, the research...

"Don't think that just because she's smart she can do things all by herself, but there's nothing that you can do. The deadline is tommorow and I think she finished it already."

Thinking about it made Jungkook frustrated for some reason, he suddenly felt unease.

He needs to see her immediately.

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