Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

With school and work, I'm not really able to hang out with Brendan a lot, but we manage to make time for each other on the weekends. Sometimes we'll even sleep over at each other's apartments and those are the best mornings.

We decided to become official a couple of days after I spilled my family history on him and things have been going very well since then.

Today, I'm actually working during his coffee run when he goes on his lunch break and I'm pretty excited to see him. It's been three days now since we last saw each other face to face. It's also his birthday today and I have his gift ready and waiting in the back room for when he arrives.

Casey's here too and she's also really excited because she's convinced he'll love his gift. I really hope he does, because I've been working on it for a couple of weeks now, ever since he told me his birthday was today when we became official.

When I see his car pull into the parking lot, I freak out a little and Casey grows even more excited. I quickly go into the back room and grab his present and bring it to the counter so it's there when he comes in.

Casey goes ahead and makes his drink and it's sitting on the counter when he opens the door. Today, his name is Birthday Boy.

I greet him with a large smile and he looks between Casey and I in confusion.

"Happy birthday!" We both cheered after a second. It makes him roll his eyes in response and I push his drink towards him.

"It's on me," I let him know before he can take his wallet out, "and I have a gift for you."

"Alice, you really didn't have to," he quickly said after. I just ignore that comment and pull out the present. I remove the cloth from over it to reveal the painting I did just for him.

"The silhouette of the couple standing in front of the restaurant is supposed to be you guys on your first date!" Casey excitedly spoiled immediately. I wanted him to figure it out himself, but now that's ruined.

The painting is the two of us standing side by side on our first date in front of our favorite restaurant. And I think I did a pretty great job if I say so for myself.

"Alice, this is amazing, thank you," he said after a few moments of him staring at the painting. His words provide relief for my nerves and I let out a sigh of relief. He takes it and places the cloth back over it and then leans over the counter, capturing me in a hug and then a kiss.

As he leaves so he can go back to work, I just stand there and watch him until I can't see his car as he drives away.

"He loved it!" Casey cheered once he was gone. I sent her a smile in response, still feeling a little nervous after the interaction. He's seen my art before in my room, but this is the first time I've ever made something for someone close to me.

I can only hope that he genuinely loves it.

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