Creature Comfort

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"Saying God, make me famous. If you can't just make it painless, just make it painless" ~Creature Comfort - Arcade Fire

Trigger warning: drug abuse

A/N: OMG!  to anyone who read in the last 12 hour or so, this was a bit hastily posted.  editing now - Sminky  

Dearest Charli,

I haven't slept in days it feels like! We've been playing non-stop. If my writing is a bit sloppy...every fingertip is bandaged! We played so hard last night my fingers bled! I'm losing my voice, but I'll be golden by tonight!

Germany loves us (next the UK, then America, then the world!). It's amazing! I hope someday you'll write me, just to let me know you're ok, I wouldn't doubt your bloody father has intervened somehow.

As soon as we're making enough, I will find you and bring you home!

Love you still.

All my loving,



Minnesota, May 1961

"God, the look on Cindy's face when you told her off at lunch," Eddie laughed as he exhaled the joint in his hand before passing it to Charli. He laid hanging off the edge of Charlie's bed, upside down. This had become a regular routine, they would go to each other's homes to study, smoke and talk, Eddie fast became a close friend to Charli.

Charli looked up from her homework to take the joint from him.

"It's too bloody easy!" she laughed, "She thinks she's so fucking high and mighty...its fun watchin' her face go red"

"Rumour has it," Eddie said as she passed the joint back to him "It's between you and her for Valedictorian"

Charli laughed "It'd be rich if I got it!"

"Why's that?" Eddie asked flipping onto the ground.

"Because she desperately wants it," Charli said sitting up "And I don't really care"

They both laughed. Eddie looked on the bedside table noticing a small blue elephant toy.

"I've been to your house plenty of times.." he began.

"Something that my parents hate, but go on" Charli grinned. Eddie smirked knowing the secret disdain her parents held for him.

"I've never asked, what's with the elephant?" He said picking it off the bed stand.

Charli clenched her teeth, thinking if she really wanted to tell him anything.

"C'mon Charli," he said "We've been friends for awhile, you know you can tell me anything"

She thought another moment, there was a sadness in her eyes.

"It was a gift," she began "from me best friend in Liverpool's little brother just after my parents moved me here"

"It's cute, is the raccoon from him too?" he said pointing to Rocky.

"No..." Charli said sadly "Rocky is a gift from...someone...."

She thought a moment, "Remember when I tol' ya's about the worst Christmas ever? When me da' dislocated my shoulder?"

Eddie nodded. He hated the abuse her father inflicted on her and one night when they were high, she'd told him about that Christmas, which had made him cry over everything she'd been through.

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