Forgetting The Kiss

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I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! All that was on my mind was him he was teasing me over and over again, what could he possibly want from me? Thanks to him I was late to my next class and everyone wanted to know why I lied and said I was sick. What could I say? I had to then find a way to hide that dam hickey so I then pulled my hair to the left side of my shoulder. Just think I was going to get my hair cut yesterday and mom didn't show up, what a stroke of luck.

To top things off Suzie and Charles wanted me to go to the mall with them, they saw how I acted and thought I was going crazy with studying so much. Well I lied once why not twice? So yet again I lied and agreed with them that must be studying even though it wasn't. Suzie and me go to the ladies room to get ready then Suzie pulls her scrunchie out and lets her hair flow. She turns to look at me, and she began to have this weird look on her face.

"You've never had your hair like that to the side ,it doesn't suit you well try messing around with it a little." Suzie grabs my hair.

"N...No!" I slap her hand away.

"Noel?" Suzie stares at me.

"Ju-Just don't touch." I smile.

I grab my bag then headed outside, Charles is outside waiting for us, checking out all the guys. Once he noticed we came out he looks at me and smiles. He grabs Suzie's purse that she told him to watch and stands up with a giant smile on his face. It's truly adorable to watch Charles because you never know what goes on his head.

"Ready?" Charles fixes his hair.

"Yeah." I replied

Suzie comes out behind me and than the awkwardness between us had disappeared as we shopped until we literally dropped. I love shopping with them, they always know how to make things fun it's amazing because I never know how to have fun by myself. No one ever has fun with me alone because I'm so plain,  how did I make such great friends like them.

"You really need to lighten up, your such a lump." Suzie grabs my arms.

"Yes you can be so much more alive if you smiled and talked to everyone." Charles giggles.

"I'm sorry I just don't know how." I look down.

It's true that I need to start interacting with people, but the only way that can happen is if someone places a beer in my hand. Which is the last thing I need. My friends have never seen my drunk, only Charles has an idea because his cousin is the bartender.

"You know I bet the reason she's such a lump is because there hasn't had anyone who can make heart jump." There Charles goes again with this love crap. "Have you ever loved anyone?"

"She hasn't!" Suzie looks at me.

My mood quickly changed. "Guy's I'm not feeling well, I'm going to head out first."

"Noel!" Suzie and Charles yells.

So recklessly I ran outside. There was no buses near by that could even take me near my house, so I decided to walk home. It was freezing,  was glad I wore pants. I never loved that was true but I don't need them setting me up with any guy I just want to meet someone on my own. It sucks being so busy all the time I never have time to meet someone.

I arrive home and mom is again pulling an all nighter at work again. So again I am alone to bad it's not Friday or I would go to the bar or something but I guess I just have to deal with it. I look on my phone and I have a few missed calls from Charles and Suzie I'll explain tomorrow. I go upstairs and try to study to keep my mind off things. All I could think of when doing my English homework was that kiss.

It was horrible I couldn't think so I basically just winged the homework I know with him around it's going to be so hard to get great grades. I manage to finish all of my homework and I did my usual routine eat dinner and go to be. I try sleeping at night but I found myself yearning for that kiss again it was like some sort of drug.

What kind of manipulation was that? I want him so bad right now everything tingles I need to get over this man now. I scream in my pillow and took a deep breath and exhaled and I managed to get to sleep.

I go to school the next day and it was weird I didn't want to go but at the same time I needed too. Mom wasn't home still which means she will be so tired when she gets home she won't be able to cook me dinner. I assume she will be out again until morning shes overworking herself these days but why? The anniversary of their deaths is in three months.

Today all Jesse did was check the homework for the period he told the class to work on some worksheets he handed in. Suzie and Charles were of course bossing me around yelling at me about leaving them they weren't mad but they didn't take it nicely.

"Noel don't do that again I understand you didn't like the topic but don't run away from it." Suzie says.

"We're trying to help you as friends." Charles looks at me.

At the end of the period I really did begin to feel a little sick I guess I may have over studied all I knew is I needed sleep and I need it soon. The bell rings and I slowly get up I tell Charles and Suzie to leave me I'm going to the nurse. As I begin to walk out the door to the nurses office.

"Noel." Jesse calls me.

"Yes?" I freeze at the door.

"Your homework didn't make any sense it looked like you winged it. So you have after school detention tomorrow with me." He gets up.

"Okay I really need to go now bye." I run out of the room.

I didn't care now about what I just agreed to but if I wasn't sick I would have argued with him about it for quiet sometime. I saw the line in the nurses office and decide to just cut that's how bad I felt.

I get home and when I walk in I go straight to my room and slept, when I woke up I felt better and realized what I had gotten myself into.

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