Silly Little Me Clingling To Hope

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While I was in math I noticed Charles was late no where to be seen no one knew where he was he left me with the new boy Drew. Me and Drew were working on circles because he couldn't understand them and I loved circles. As the teacher was about to start taking attendance Charles runs in doing that screech he does when he's late. I got up and walked to the door and opened it for him.

"Why are you late?" I said opening the door.

"Well I had business with Mr. Evans." Charles says walking in.

He gives the teacher a pass and walks to his seat next to mine he goes into his pocket and pulls out a crumbled piece of paper. He looks at it and then passes it to me, there was a phone number on it and on the top of that number it said Jesse.

I look at Charles and he smiles at me Drew looks at me curiously I looked at the number and my heart began to race. Was this real? How did Charles get it in the first place? I looked at Charles and he was grinning at me he knew what he did and I knew he did it for me but why didn't he tell me he was going to speak to Jesse?

Then I realise I was being a fool I was with another guy there was no way I could have noticed I was blinded by the new boy's kindness to me. I am a horrible girl when the teacher runs to the bathroom and sends in an officer Charles moves his desk towards mine.

"You know I gave him yours he should be texting you any second now." Charles snickered.

"But how?" I asked.

"You obviously don't know a mans body like I do." Charles moves his desk back.

It was crazy I didn't know what to do if he texted me what would it say and hey what does he mean by knowing a mans body more than me at least I've gotten to third base with a guy. I felt some what offended I kept looking at my phone. The teacher walked into class and began to teach again.

My phone vibrates and it was a message from a number that wasn't in my contact list and then I looked at the phone number I got and it matched. I opened the message when the teacher looked away from my side of the room and went into his paper work.

"Hey it's me Jesse, sorry I'm texting you our of the blue Noel." That's what the text said and it felt good that he would start it first.

"No problem I'm glad your taking to me I miss being able to have a conversation with you. :(" I reply to his message and waited for his reply.

"Not as bad as I miss talking to you, uhm Noel I know I don't have a right to say this but don't get to close the Drew Knight. Just want you to you know just keep a distance from non-gay guys." He texts back and I began to smile so he was jealous of me and Drew. Why does it hurt so bad to hear these words?

I texted him back saying I will and I did what he asked I smiled at Charles and lip said thank you to him. And there I go again clinging to hope maybe one day I will be the first person on his mind is that so bad to hope for?

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