This Silly School Girl's All Grown Up

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Waking up on the bed in your new apartment is the greatest. Moving on to the next stages of life is the best feeling in the world! No more mom, or Sanders. Having a curfew, dating restrictions, and more fun!

I'm in college now, your probably wondering whay happened since in the last chapters I was still in highschool right? Or that I was going to get Jesse back, well we thought wrong. That was about a year or two ago, and Jesse well when I arrived at his house all his belongings were gone. The hospital said he moved away somewhere with Maria. They couldn't tell me that would break their rules so I was left heartbroken, with no choice but to move on.

Its been years so I forgot about Jesse almost, he's still on my mind sometimes. Like those "What if...?" questions. I of course moved on and I currently have a boyfriend, a dashing man, he's twenty-eight were only seven years apart. His name is Michael Lambardi he's the dean at my college. I like him a lot we've been together for a year almost, its great. I met him while I was applying to enroll here. He sure had a way with words when he asked me out. All he did was look at me with those alluring eyes and gave me a million dollar smile and said "My, a student as beautiful as yourself has never stepped foot in here. How about we get a cup of coffee together?"

I guess that's what happens when a young girl like me is single I eventually get taken off my feet by someone else. I know what your thinking, I'm happier with him than I was with Jesse. Well your right! Jesse was married, lied many times, has never said I love you back to me, and he brings a lot of drama in my life. With Michael I'm more happier he's a good and faithful man he saved me from the past.

Well enough of that I have exciting news! Charles is my roomate cool right? Well he also got a boyfriend thanks to mine. Turns out Michael's brothers friend, has a gay brother! It was so nice to see my love Charles with someone see life is way better. Now I even have a date with Michael in an hour! I have to get ready give me some time hold on.

*An hour later*

Okay I'm ready, its about time he should arrive right about... BEEP-BEEP...Now! He's sitting down in his car wearing his usual clothes a suit. Well its okay he's way mature than I am so its something I need to improve on. I get into the car and he looks at me and smiles. He turns his key and begins to drive the car north.

"Noel have you ever thought your name isn't feminine enough." He blurts out.

"I haven't really thought about that, I guess I mean I like my name it suites me well. Noel Marcelo." I smile at him.

"Really, well I guess it can't be helped it was the way you grew up." He turns the wheel.

"What?" I look at him.

The car stops and I see a huge tree, all of sudden Michael kisses me. I haven't really felt a sensational kiss since Jesse but Michaels getting there. I think he knows I'm experienced in this which bugs him a lot thats why I never speak about Jesse.

He stops and my hair becomes a mess and his dark hair covered his eyes as he turned away. He combed it back and got out of the car, he went to the other side and opened the door for me. I got out and he held my hand, and took me into a restaurant. I exhaled I never really liked high class places, but having a mature older husband its hard not to go to these places.

We entered without even asking the guy in the front for our seats. Michael is obviously popular with the workers the waiters took his coat off and immediatley brought our food to the table. They served us some weird food, I got sick just looking at it so I immediatley took the salad. I began to eat and Michael stared at me and smiled I smiled back I put a piece of salad in my mouth.

"I love how even though your not from a classy household your a very classy girl." He smiled at me again eating the weird food.

"Why are you saying all of this today?" I dropped my fork, whiping my mouth with a napkin.

"Alright you caught me, I have been eager to let you meet my parents." He laid his head on his hands. "I wanted to make sure you were ready to meet them."

"So I couldn't meet them even if I wasn't this classy?" I say clenching my fists.

"Yes indeed." He ate his food.

I got up out of my seat and left out of the restaurant pissed off. He was judging me I never thought that would happen.

"Where are you going!?" Michael ran after me.

"Somewhere, where I won't be judged!" I got into a cab and closed the door. The cab driver drove away and in the side view mirror I see Michael throwing his napkin on the ground. I arrived home and went upstairs to see Charles and his boyfriend Jacob tounging eachother in front of my door just great. Charles sees me and pushes Jacob off him and they froze infront of me. Charles sighed and told Jacob to go home, Charles unlocked the door and let me in. I went straight into my room and changed into my sweats, I ran and got a bucket of left over fried chicken from K.F.C. and sat on the couch.

"Is this classy you son of a bitch!" I yell.

"What happened? I just lost some boy on boy time with my man." Charles sits down next to me smelling like perfume.

"Well Michael says I can't meet his parents if I act the way I am now." I said to Charles biting off the meat on the chicken.

"I'll get the ice cream." Charles got up and ran towards the kitchen.

* The next day *

I go to school pissed off and I was called to the deans office in the middle of class. Just great would you look at that he's using his power to talk to me. I head to his office and I sat in front of his desk smiling fakely. He sighed and leaned against his table mad.

"You know I admit what I said was offensive, but I really need to use the male parts of my body sometime. Its been two months since we had sex and I'm a little cranky." He says in my face.

"Well with that act you pulled yesterday you won't be using your manly parts for sometime now." I grinned, nodding my head.

"Listen Noel I want my parents to like you." He says leaning closer to me. "You're a great catch, my parents would love you. They need time to see the real you though, we're not used to your type people."

"So now I'm a type?" I reply.

"Noel, I love you more than a man could ever love a person." His face is getting closer to mine. "I want to lock you up in my closet and never let a man lay his eyes on you. I want you only with me. I want to marry you, have children have a happy life together. You're mine and I don't care about the classy you I love all of you and you only."

He always had a way with words he's so good at making me cave in I began to tear. He leans in to kiss me and I felt so happy all the bad suddenly whiped away. It felt so familiar, I had the same feeling with someone before. Who was it though?

Someone knocks on the door and Michael stood up straight and fixed his tie. He sat at his desk and straightened up his papers.

"Come in!" He yells.

I look behind me to see who it was, but it was someone I have never met before he had glasses his hair was tied up and he was wearing a suit. Great another buisness like man I just sat there and sighed.

"Sorry to interrupt your meeting with a student but I am the new teacher. I have come to ask a few questions concerning my English class." The man says with a familiar tone.

"New teacher, your name?" Michael asks.

"Mr. Evan's." The man took off his glasses.

"Jesse?!" I turned and yelled.

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