The Meeting

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Hi Guys!!! So this time i decided to try out to write my new chapter on the computer so if the picture on top looks weird like too big or something im sorry i just dont have my phone at the moment so im using the computer for now. When i get my phone back i will change the picture if it looks strange but i hope its fine...Anyways lets Continue :)))) (too bad i dont have heart emojis here like on my phone)

Violetta: Uhm..Hi Valentino! Nice to meet you. I'm Violetta.

Vanessa: Valentino was the person I was telling you about, he is one of the most popular singers in Italy!

Violetta: Will there be anymore singers coming?

Vanessa: For now not really, but we dont know if in the future we will need more because our main goal is mostly focus on both of you.(smiles)

Violetta: Both?(Confused)

Vanessa: Yes! Both of you will be working on your new song. You will be doing a duet!(Smile)

Violetta keeps quiet and just nods.

Vanessa's Phone starts to ring

Vanessa: Sorry guys! But this is an important call and i need to answer it!

Valentino: Ok no problem.

(A/N: I just realised that all their names start with a letter V, lol )

Vanessa answers her phone and enters a different room.

Valentino: So tell me about yourself, Violetta. You seem pretty nice(winks)

Violetta: Well i can start off by saying Im married and i have 2 children.( Showing her ring on her finger)

Valentino: Oh thats...both Unexpected and expected.

Violetta: What ? why is that 'Unexpected' and 'Expected' ?

Valentino: Well, i didnt expect that you were already married, you look very young (winks) But i expected that you werent alone, for a pretty girl like you shouldnt be alone...(smiles)

Violetta: Um ok.. Good hear your opinion...(Feeling Awkward)

Valentino: How long have you been studying music?

Violetta: Since 15 years old.

Valentino: Oh cool! Me too!I heard some of your songs that Vanessa showed me and your voice is just Amazing!

Violetta: Thanks(smiles)

Vanessa: OK! IM BACK! Soo before i was thinking of this plan. You two will reherse together learn a small choreography, not alot of moves just little because the song that you are going to sing is about Love. You will be in a Music Video acting as if you are two teenagers that find their true love and they start getting connected and become more closer and then at the end they realise that they found their real love. Love should be in the air right now because soon its Valentines Day! So we should get ready with this and start working on it!( smiles)

Violetta's POV:

NO WAY!!! This is a horrible idea! i need to change her mind! If Leon finds out...i dont know what im going to do! He will get crazy! After what has happened with Tomas, i dont want to risk again!

Violetta: Vanessa, may i have a word with you?( Nervous)

Vanessa: Sure!(smiles)

Violetta and Vanessa enter a different room.

Vanessa: What did you want to say Vilu?

Violetta: Well i kinda disagree with you idea... I just cant do it. Is it possible to change it to another theme? please!?

Vanessa: Oh Violetta, Im afraid it's not possible, you signed a contract which said that you agree with anything about your music career and the producers are already working on the video setting...But May i know why you want to change all of this?

Violetta: Well you see, Leon will definetly hate this idea because he will see me with Valentino and he will be you know... Jealous...

Vanessa: Oh dont worry! Nothing will be real everything is just acting. You will just act as if you and Valentino are in love thats all... Its not real you know that. Even the kiss is fake so you have nothing to worry about Vilu. Im sure Leon will understand.(Smiles)

Violetta: Wait! What! A Kiss!!??

Vanessa: Yes! The Music Video is representing Love. Ofcourse there will be a kiss but its fake, so dont worry Sweety.(smiles)

Violetta: But-

Vanessa interrupts Violetta.

Vanessa: Sorry! But i need take this! im having lots of calls these days!

Vanessa: Yes! Hello! This is Vanessa speaking and-

Vanessa leaves the room.

Violetta comes back to the Music room.

Valentino: Hi, everything ok?

Violetta: Yes im fine!

Lol this just reminded me of an app called and there was this saying which was quite funny.

When a Girl says Im Fine!

It does not mean their fine!

The scale goes





And then there is 'Im Fine'

( Sorry for interrupting my story )

Valentino: You dont look fine...

Violetta: You know what. You're Right! I'm not. I dont feel very feel....i think i ate something bad today and my stomach is aching... Soo tell Vanessa that i left becuase im not feeling very well.

Valentino: Well ok... Hope you feel better.. But will come here tomorrow?

Violetta: Probably Yes.

Valentino: Ok then i will be waiting for you.

Violetta leaves.

Heyyy Guys so because i have no idea when i would update next time so i decided to update today becuase i had free time. its just next week im having 2 tests and i really need to study so instead of you guys waiting here is the chapter :)))( I published this yesterday but something was wrong and didnt update...)

Hope you liked it! xxx

Love you all!!!! ( I wish there was heart emojis on the computer... but anyways its ok...)

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