Thinking About You

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*Next day*
Violetta's POV:

When we are together its the time of our lives, i miss you already and i hope you're okay my love...

Suddenly i get a call on my phone.

Violetta: Oh its Leon! Calling for a videochat!

I answer.

*Videochat started*

Violetta: Hi my love!!!! I was just thinking about you! How are you!? Everything okay!? Where are you now!?-

Leon: Vilu, Vilu! Calm down...Yes everything is okay, i landed safely and few minutes ago i just came into the hotel and now decided to call you.

Violetta: Leon, just a question...There is nothing between you and Mel-

Leon: NO! Nothing at all! Just for work and fans thats all, i only love you and nobody else!

*Knock, knock*

Leon: Oh sorry just give me a sec, someone is at the door.

Violetta: Okay sure.

Melanie: Heyy Leon, The manager is asking if you want to join us for dinner?

Leon: Im actually not that hungry now, i ate a sandwich before so im okay thanks.(smiles)

Melanie: Are you sure? (Coming closer to Leon)


Melanie: Oh Hi Violetta ! How are you doing? (Smiles)

Violetta: Im doing fine! Leon doesnt want to eat now so you might aswell leave his room.

Melanie fake smiles.

Melanie: Bye Leon..

Melanie leaves and Leon closes the door.

Violetta: If i didnt stop her she would of kissed you Leon!

Leon: She wouldnt kiss me because i wouldnt let her and anyway i was moving away from her...

(Jorge starts to cry)

Violetta: I need to go check what with later?

Leon: I think tomorrow because its 8:30pm now and im actually pretty tierd from the flight and everything so im gonna sleep now...

Violetta: Okay then, Goodnight my love!

Leon: Goodnight Vilu!

*Videochat ended*

Violetta goes upstairs and checks on Jorge.

Violetta: Heyy there my little boy, whats wrong? You miss Daddy aswell?(smiles)

Suddenly Violetta's phone calls.

*Phone convo*

Violetta: Hi Vanessa!

Vanessa: Hello Violetta! How are you Sweetie? Are you able to come for a rehersal today in about half an hour? Since you are okay now right?

Violetta: Yes, Yes im good now. Yeah i will come.

Vanessa: Great! See you soon! Bye!

* Phone Convo finish*
20 minutes later:

Violetta puts Jorge into the baby chair in the car. And calls Tini to get inside.

Violetta: Okay so while im at work you are going to help and listen to Aunty Ludmila, Grandma and Grandpa okay?

Tini: Yes Mummy!

Violetta drives to German's house.

Few minutes later:

Violetta: Thank you so much for helping me Ludmila! Okay im gonna be late now if i dont leave so im gonna go bye!

4 hours later:

Vanessa: Every Rehersal gets better and better and very impressive with both of you!

Violetta&Valentino: Thank you.

Violetta: Ok then im going go home now, see you tomorrow!

Vanessa: Bye Vilu!

Violetta drives back to German's house and enters it.

Ludmila: Hii, you look exhausted..

Violetta: Yeah its because im very tierd.. i think i will sleep here today.

Ludmila: Okay, no problem.

One Week Later:

Violetta comes back from her rehersals to German's house.

Violetta: Hi, where is Dad and Angie?

Ludmila: Oh they went to a romantic restaurant since today is their anniversary.

Violetta: Omg i totally forgot to congratulate them!

Ludmila: Dont worry im sure they will understand, you have been so busy this week and you are so restless so obviously you cant remember stuff...

Violetta: Yeah im very tierd..

Ludmila: Wanna watch something on TV?

Violetta: Yeah just relax a bit...

Violetta takes the remote control and switches on the Tv.

Violetta: Fashion show? No..., Sports? No.., Comedy Movie? Dont feel like it..., Leon Vargas cheating on his Wife...No- WAIT WHAT!? Back! Back!
"As we all know that the popular singer Leon Vargas, is back at Singing and is at LA right now working on his new song for the fans but he is not alone. Melanie Fernandez is back on track with us aswell. She will be singing with Leon Vargas but how can you explain this little moment?"
(Video of Melanie and Leon kissing at the park)
So, are they really only working together? Did Leon Vargas break up with Violetta Vargas? Or is he cheating on her? We will find out more soon! Stay stuned!

Ludmila: Umm you know what! Lets turn off the Tv and do something else!

Violetta: I can't belive it...

Ludmila: No, no Vilu...dont believe these stuff...they are probably just rumours..


Ludmila: Shhh! The Kids are sleeping already! Look, calm down-

Violetta: I CANT CALM DOWN !(Starts to cry)

Ludmila: Look dont worry, tomorrow we will call Leon and talk to him for explanation about this okay?

Violetta: I dont want his explaination! I dont want to talk to him ever again! If he loved me, he wouldn't of kissed her like that!

Ludmila: But-

Violetta: Enough! Im tierd im going to go sleep...Goodnight!

Ludmila: Night.

849 words. Usually i write up to 1000 or a bit more but this time is slightly less but i hope you liked this chapter!❤ Please Comment down your thoughts about this chapter and maybe next weekend i dont know, i will update again.
Love you all!❤❤❤

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