Happy 8th Birthday Tini! (PART 2)

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Leon picks up the phone worriedly.

*Phone convo*

Leon: H..Hello?

Vanessa: Hello Leon! How is Violetta, is she feeling better? Can she come to do rehersals?

Leon: Um no, not at the moment, umm she is still sleeping and she wasnt feeling very well...

Vanessa: Have you went to the hospital?

Leon: Umm yes but the doctor just told her to rest and drink..umm some tablets and she should....be okay.

Vanessa: Ohh my poor Darling, hope she gets well soon!

Leon: Thank you, i hope so too.

*Phone convo finish*

Ludmila: Wait so you didnt tell Vanessa aswell!?

Leon: She doesnt need to know that she was Pregnant and went for abortion...its irrelevant information for her...

Ludmila: Okay then...

Suddenly Leon gets another phone call.

This time its from the hospital.

Few minuters later:

Leon: Lets go.

Ludmila: Go where?

Leon: We are picking up Violetta.

Ludmila: Oh she is okay now!?

Leon: Yes, she just needed to stay overnight because of the surgery and medicines...

Ludmila: Okay, i understand.

Leon: Tini! Get inside the car, we are bringing mummy home!

Tini: Yay!

Ludmila: Are you forgeting something? (Annoyed)

Leon: No i didnt forget, Jorge is already in the car.

Ludmila: What!? I didnt even realise you took him already...oh im such a bad mother and aunt...i wont be surprised if my kid will be kidnapped and-

Leon: Calm down, you are a good mother, dont say that... you were in the bathroom when i took him in the car...

Ludmila: Still...

Time skip:

Leon: Hey, you sure you are feeling better? I know its Tini's Birthday but i care more about your health!

Violetta: Dont worry Leon, Im okay and i can handle things. (Smiles)

Violetta: Aww Tini, im sorry i couldnt wake you up today in the morning for your birthday...(kisses her head)

Tini: Its ok Mummy! But today was different, today i woke up Daddy and Aunty Ludmila!

Ludmila starts to fake cough...

Violetta: But wait why was Ludmila in our house while i was in the Hospital?

Leon: To help out with Jorge..

Tini: And also Aunty Ludmila was sleeping at your place and i woke daddy aswell at the same time!(smiles happily)

Violetta: Wait,what!?

Leon: Um, what?

Violetta: Tini close your ears!

Tini placed her hands around her ears and covered them.

Violetta: So while i was in the Hospital, you both were together in Bed!!!

Ludmila: Violetta listen-



Leon stops the car and closes her mouth with his hand.

Leon: Shhh.... Just listen okay!

Leon: When you were at the hospital and Ludmila was watching the kids, Tini was playing with matchsticks and Ludmila didnt even see them and our sofa is destroyed. So later it was late and Ludmila had nowhere to sleep except our room and dont worry, nothing happened. Im telling you the truth...

Ludmila: Yes, its the truth Violetta and dont think that im Pregnant now because im not.

Violetta: How are you so sure?

Ludmila: Because i know we didnt have anything because i love Fede and moved on from Leon long time ago ...he is like a brother to me, well he is actually a brother in law and plus if you dont believe me, check in nine months and you will see my flat stomach that nothing was growing there!

Violetta: Okay, okay fine..i believe you..

Violetta takes Tini's hands and moves them away from here ears.

Violetta: Its okay now, sweetheart.

Time skip:

Everyone arrived home and Violetta is baking a delicious cake for Tini's birthday.

Leon: Smells soo good! Cant wait to eat it. (Smiles)

Tini: Mummy! Mummy! Is the cake ready!?

Violetta: Soon, sweetie.(smiles)

Suddenly Leon gets a text.

Violetta: Haha, i just remember something, remember when we.. um are you ok?

Violetta waves her hand in front of Leon's face.


Leon: Huh? What?

Violetta: Are you okay? You look kinda sad...

Leon: No,No im not sad...everything is alright.

Violetta: Leon please tell me what is going on...

Leon: Dont worry , Vilu. You have nothing to worry about. (Kisses her cheek)

Time skip:
Everyone is sitting by the rable and celebrating Tini's birthday.

-Happy Birthday to you! Happy to you! Happy birthday dear Tini! Happy birthday to you!

Leon glaces onto his phone again.

Violetta: Leon. I had enough of this. You are not telling me something! You havent stopped looking at your phone...what is going on!?

Leon keeps silent.

Violetta: Leon!

Ludmila: Vilu, is right. You have been acting wierd for a few hours now...

Suddenly someone rang the door bell.

Ludmila: Seriously? Who rings at this hour.

Ludmila stood up and opened the door.

As soon as she opened the door.

Her face was shocked and puzzled.

Who do you think was at the door? (Comment please)

Ughh i feel this chapter was boring... im so sorry 😣
Im soo tierd and so sorry for not updating for a week .. school is having so much tests, even though i want to update, i cant find time for wattpad. But i will try to update more❤
Love you all💕

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