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{3rd Person}
Yeah light blue orb flew towards a farm where a 4 year old boy with brown hair, glasses, gray outfit and gray squirrel ears and tail, was playing with a chicken.
"Ross! I'm heading out!" A girl called from inside. She had red hair, white shirt with a skirt and black shoes. The boy said bye and she left. The boy turned back to the chicken and ran off the chicken slowly running after him. He ran towards a forest.
{Ross' POV}
I look everywhere to see Thundercluck [That's the chicken's name right? Correct me if I'm wrong please!] was nowhere to be found. I looked around some more and realized something. I was lost... I hear a rustling sound come from behind me. I jerk around and see a light blue colored ball of air flew to me from the bushes. I stared at in disbelief. It went straight into my chest and a light blue glow clouded my vision. I shut my eyes till the light calmed down and slowly opened them. When I did I saw something that amazed me. Ice chunks were swirling around me. Oh god. I feel like Elsa. I then noticed a squirrel pendant forming around my neck.

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