''Chapter 10''

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{Previously ~ "We are going to The Island of Screams." Joel said. The kids faces turned to a look of fear.}

{Lizzie's POV}

The kid's faces looked frightened.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Do you guys not know the rumors of that island?" Red asked his eyes flashing from his normal orangey-red to green.

"What rumors?" Joel asked. I guess we'd been on this island so long we haven't heard the rumors from The Island of Screams.

"The rumors where once you set foot on that island you hear all the screams of the dead and eventually you come home blinded and deaf. Dying in the next couple of days." Adam said shivering. I started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing!" Red called.

"Is that really what they came up with?" I asked Joel trying to contain my laughter.

"I guess. Kids, the island is just an island. It's just a rumor the people on the island made to keep people away from it. Like this island. We had spread a rumor that a crazy scientist lived here and anyone who set foot on the island would be kidnapped by his experiments and eaten alive." Joel told them.

"Who would believe that?" Max asks.

"Apparently everyone." I said calming down.

"Anyways, we need to head to the boat if we want to get the thing in time." Joel said.

"Scott put up the protective barrier and invisible shield around the island I'll get the kids to the boat. Joel can you get Yammy?" I told Scott then asked Joel. They both nodded and I motioned for the kids to follow me. We left the training room and went back down the hall. We left the castle and I led the kids down one of the restricted docks. It was restricted because we didn't want the kids running off, especially when the world is at stake. At the end of the dock stood a ship with tons of sails. The wood was a dark colour at the bottom with an orange colour at the top. {Pic at top but without the flags}

I led the kids on the boat. It had a lot of space and it was powered magically. You just had to enter the coordinates and it would take you there. I led them to a door under the navigation system and took the under the deck. There laid at least 15 beds.

"This is where you will sleep and other than that don't go up to the navigation system. You're free to explore, but be back on deck in an hour." I told the kids sternly.

"Where's the navigation system?" Cory asked.

"Just don't go up the stairs on the deck." I told them. They nodded and I left.

{Cory's POV}

"Let's go up to the navigation system." Adam said mischievously.

"We can't, you heard what Lizzie said!" Shelby argued.

"Fine then don't come with me." Adam said walking towards the stairs. I grabbed his arm before he stepped on the first stair.

"Dude, don't do it. You'll get in deep trouble with Joel. And trust me if he's this bossy when he's happy I don't want to see him when he's mad." I tell him.

"True. I'm sure were all a bit intimidated by him. I guess I'll stick with you guys." Adam said disappointed. Shelby sighed in relief.

"Where do you guys wanna head first?" Jess asked.

"Let's heads to wheres the foods is." Barney said.

"We don't know where that is." Jin said.

"No that's stupid. Lets just take a walk around." I said. Barney looked a bit sad, but moved on and nodded. We walked up the stairs and onto the deck.

"Hey, guys what's that?" I heard Max ask. He pointed to something in the distance and we all turned to look. There was a white wall that you could see through, but the most important thing was that there was a hooded figure just staring at us.

"Do you guys think that's the hooded figure that took Lizzie's friends?" I heard Shelby whisper.

"Yeah, I think it wants to get in..." Red mumbled. The hooded figure floated there for a bit longer then flew off.

"Lets not tell Lizzie and Joel about this.." Jin said.

"Yeah they might wanna keep us here for a bit longer and I really wanna get of this island." Adam said. I nodded in agreement. An hour later after wandering around Joel had gathered us to the main deck. Lizzie had already started the boat and we couldn't see the island.

{3rd person}

"Ok. We are going to practice powers." Joel said.

"SCOTT! LIZZIE!" He yelled. Almost immediately the two had come from where ever they were and stood next to Joel.

"Yeah?" Lizzie asked.

"We need to teach them their powers." Joel said. Lizzie made her mouth go in an 'O' shape and Joel continued.

"Anyways you learned what you can do so we are going to show you how. Even though we no longer have the orbs we can still use a slight bit of our powers so what we demonstrate will be a lot easier for you." He said.

"Joel I don't know if you know this, but there is no land." Scott said.

"Right.. uhh.." Joel trailed off.

"Ugh, hold on." Lizzie said. She headed to the side of the boat and looked over.

"Just use the earth under the sea." She said coming back. Scott nodded. Scott closed his eyes and stood still for a bit. After a minute you could see chunks of sand and rocks coming out of the ocean. The rocks and sand fell back down and Scott looked a lot more tired than he did.

"Scott!" Lizzie yelled running over as Scott collapsed to his knees.

"I'm fine. Just, takes a lot of energy." He said. Lizzie nodded.

"Scott go lay down alright." Joel said worriedly. Scott nodded and left.

"Is hes going tos be ok?" Barney asked. Joel nodded.

"Anyways, as you saw it takes a lot of energy." Joel said.

"Ok so lets get started!" Lizzie said.

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