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{3rd person}

The brown colored orb flew towards a farm. There was a 5 year old boy also wearing a dinosaur onesie but it was green and purple. He also had a purple tail with green spikes coming out of his lower back. The boy had brown hair and was riding a goat. He looked happy. The goat jumped over the fence surrounding the property and ran off. The boy was holding onto it's neck fearing he would fall.
"G-Goats stop ims going tos fall!" The boy yelled. The goat stopped and the boy flew forwards off the goat.
"Ows." The boy said rubbing the back of his head. The brown orb quickly flew to him and went into his chest. A brown light appeared and he closed his eyes.
{??? POV}
The light calmed down and I opened my eyes. I saw chunks of rock surrounding me and the soon disappeared. I noticed a bracelet forming on my wrist. When it fully came on I was still recovering from what had just happened.
"B-Barney!" I hear my mom call for me. I hop on Goats back who had surprisingly not run off. I rode Goat back home.

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