**Chapter 1**

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{3rd person}

"Sir the power orbs have found hosts!" a guard called back into the vacant space of nothingness, to the cloaked figure.

"Now we wait a decade (10 years) for the darkness to arrive. Then we shall call for them. They must learn to harness their powers before then so call The Old Hosts that are left. In 5 years their powers will activate and we will send them here to train with The Old Hosts that are left." The figure called back to the guard.

"So you will be teaching them as well Death?" A girl called. She had pink and purple hair and was wearing a white dress.

"Of course, Life." Death called back to the girl. The girl smiled.

"As I've said Joel, call me Lizzie." Life told him. Death, Joel, nodded.

"Lizzie, we should wait for the others to arrive." Joel said smiling pulling his hood down. He had brown hair and the cloak covered the rest of his body.

"You know we could've easily taken the darkness. Why did you call for our orbs?" another girl said. She had purple hair and a light blue dress.

"Because, Wind-" Joel started.

"Yammy." she interrupted him clearly irritated.

"Sorry, Yammy. Because, we are getting old and our magic was starting to grow weaker. Plus, the fact that the rest of us have been consumed by the darkness." Joel stated.

"So if we don't have all nine elements we can't stop it?" someone else asked. He had brown hair and a totoro onesie on.

"Exactly, Earth--er Scott." Joel said.

"Where's Sasha?" Lizzie asked.

"Unfortunately the darkness got to her." Scott said sadly.

"So Sasha and the rest are who The New Hosts have to fight?" Yammy asked. Joel nodded.

"We can't let the darkness get to us our The New Host's." Lizzie stated. Everyone nodded.

{5 years later}

{Still 3rd person}

"Lizzie! Yammy! Scott!" Joel called. All three came almost immediately.

"What?" Lizzie asked.

"It's Time." Joel said smiling. The three also smiled and all four went into the white room as they call it. Magically a table appeared with a stack of paper and some writing utensils. They sat down and started to write letters to The New Hosts. They all read:

Dear (name),

If you remember 5 years ago an orb of light flew into your chest. And then an item appeared. If you do not know those items can't come off. If you want to know why the orb and the item came to you then you must go to the docks and the north side of your island. At midnight a boat will appear. Please do not be afraid of it and get in. It will take you to the place the item originated. Why should you do this? Because, darkness is infecting the world and it is spreading. Only you and eight others can stop it. Please. You are the last hope this world has.

Sincerely, The Old Hosts

When the letters were done being written they sent them off.

~Time Skip to 11:30 that night~

[At the island]

9 kids were arriving.

{Shelby's POV}

Me and my cousin Ross were headed to the docks from the note.

"Shelby what about my mom and dad?" he asked.

"I don't know." I said honestly. When I got my item I was with Cory. I haven't seen him since. Ross stopped and we saw 7 other kids already at the docks. We walked up and started to talk to everyone. I saw Cory and walked up to him.

"Hi!" I said. He turned around and looked at me.

"Shelby?" he asked. I nodded and we hugged.

"Where did you go?" I asked breaking the hug. He frowned.

"My parent's moved to another part of town." he told me. I nodded and suddenly a boat appeared. On the boat was a girl. She had pink and purple hair and was wearing a white dress.

"Hop on!" she said smiling. We all got on and the boat started moving.

"What about out parents?" Ross asked the lady.

"We have told them you will be going on a journey." she told him. He nodded.

"So! Since we will be here a while how about you say your names?" she told us. We nodded.

"Also! I will tell you your powers!" she said cheerfully.

"Powers?!" a red headed boy asked. She nodded.

"The Items give you a certain power. I'll start." she tells us.

"I'm Lizzie, and I used to have Life." she told us. She pointed to the red haired boy.

"You're next." she said.

"Uh I'm Max." He stated. A few gasps went around the boat. They probably realized he was the prince.

"You have Fire." Lizzie told him. He nodded and she pointed to a boy with brown hair. He had a small ponytail and was wearing armor.

"Hey I'm Adam!" He said cheerfully. Lizzie nodded and said "Wind." Adam nodded cheerfully.

{In the intro page for wind I accidentally wrote Sky instead of Adam. Sorry it's Adam.}

Lizzie pointed to a girl with long black hair.

"HI! I'm Jess but people call me Aph." She said smiling.

"Water." Lizzie said. She pointed to a boy with black hair covering one eye.

"Uh.. I'm Jin." he said nervously. Lizzie nodded and said "Physics." His eye widened and he nodded. Next she pointed to Ross.

"Hi I'm Ross." he said quietly enough so we could all here it.

"You have Ice." She said. I giggled and Ross elbowed me in the arm.

"And why are you laughing?" he asked me.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." I told him. He frowned and we continued. Lizzie pointed to another red head but he was wearing a dinosaur onesie.

"HI! I'm Red!" he said happily.

"Lightning." Lizzie stated. Lizzie then pointed to another boy in a dinosaur onesie.

"Hello I'ms Barney." he said with a heavy Turkish accent.

"Earth." Lizzie told him.

"I haves dirts?" he asked. Lizzie nodded smiling. She pointed to me next.

"Hi I'm Shelby." I said.

"Shelby you have Life." she told me. Ross giggled and I glared at him. Lizzie then pointed to Cory.

"Hi. I'm Cory." he said grinning.

"You have Death." She told. He looked shocked and so did a lot of us. The rest of the boat ride was ridden in silence. Soon enough in the distance we saw an island. Lizzie smiled.

"We're Home!" she said.

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