Proper Citizens

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The next morning when Harry went to wake Zayn, he was surprised to see Zayn standing already.

"Can we go to the park now?" Zayn asked, bouncing some.

"No, bed head." Harry chuckled, walking over and taking him out of the crib.

"You have to eat breakfast first."

"Well I want breakfast now then." Zayn said, heading for the door.

"No, come back." Harry told him.

"Why?" Zayn whined, dragging his feet.

"You have to get dressed." Harry said, going over to the closet.

Zayn frowned.

Harry never went to the closet in here.

All of Zayn's going out clothes were in the guest bedroom.

"What d'you think?" Harry smiled, showing Zayn a red sweater with a big cartoon puppy on the front.

"It's nice? But I don't...want to wear it." Zayn said slowly.

"Why not? It's cute." Harry frowned.

Zayn shrugged. "It's really...youthful."

He didn't want to dress like a baby.

"I was thinking you could wear your black jeans with it, and those red shoes you have to match." Harry said.

Zayn shook his head, avoiding Harry's eyes.

"Come on, can you wear it for daddy?" Harry smiled.

"What's in it for me?" Zayn asked, folding his arms.

"Kisses." Harry said, walking over and kissing his forehead.

Zayn sighed heavily, frowning as Harry began to undress him.

"I can dress myself." Zayn mumbled.

"Well yesterday morning I remember a certain sleepy boy didn't mind me dressing him." Harry said.

Zayn pouted, lifting his arms as Harry took his pajama shirt off.

After Zayn was dressed, Harry made him pancakes for breakfast.

"When we get to the park I just want to walk around. By myself." Zayn decided to tell him.

"Okay." Harry agreed, knowing Zayn would go maybe three feet then come back.

"Stop eating so fast, you'll get sick." Harry warned him.

"No I won't." Zayn said, continuing.

Harry didn't say anything else, a knowing expression on his face as he looked back at his laptop.

Breakfast didn't last long because of Zayn's eating, and before he knew it they were on the way to the park.

"You okay?" Harry smiled, looking at him in the rear view mirror.

"Yeah." Zayn lied, taking his hand away from his stomach.

It was hurting because of how fast he ate but Harry could never know that.

When they got to the park, Zayn rushed off the moment Harry let him go.

"Don't wander too far!" Harry called when Zayn didn't come back after three feet.

"I won't." Zayn called back, taking in a deep breath of fresh air.

It felt nice to be walking on the ground rather than fuzzy socks and the floor all the time.

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