Prologe: News Casting

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Austin's POV

'As many know, our town star has been in the hospital due to unexpected events, but..."
I read the article from my sister's accident. I found out through a call to head to the hospital the night I had just arrived in town for my winter break. Just thank God she wasn't exposed. See we knew Aurora genes ran threw our family but we never thought we would have to worry about it. Ernt! Wrong answer! You see my parents thought it skipped another generation but that wasn't the case, they have no idea that my sister and I both got the gene. I found out mine when I was 8, it was weird it was like everything slowed down and I was the only one moving. I herd voices in my head and cries of help. My parents thought I was having a seizure and that is what the doctors called it but I was really in a time zone. I found out the second time it happened. My sister on the other hand found out when she was 6 because she could talk to the animals around her. My parents just thought it was those cute little kid things, but really she was actually having a full blown conversation with them. We been hiding in plain sight which was easy for me since I was the average teen boy next door. My sister on the other hand was a town star. She was the best swimmer seen in a long time in this town, making it hard to hide, but once I learned to reset memories, that is what I would do to these hunters that wanted us so badly. Especially us. Our family's ant-sisters were the first Auroras made making us more powerful then the normal.
"Honey, we just a call that your sister is awake, would you like to come?"
The knock on the door and my mum's voice took me out of thought. I looked up and nodded. I jumped up putting on my shoes and jacket and rushed out to the car. My parents seemed to be taking forever, but what they didn't know was that we needed to get to the hospital before they did. I honked the horn trying to signal them to hurry up and the door of our house caved in. A group of teenagers walked out and I got out and faced them.
"Who are you?"
I some what recognized one of them, his blond locks and high cheek bones showed an older looking Nick, but what I saw behind them would be something he would never do. A trail of blood. I closed my mind and listened. 'Wait, I thought her brother was in college? It is him right? If he found what I was and what his parents will become, he would kill me. Werewolves are not exactly men's best friends.' I opened my eyes to see them all staring at me. To them it was a simple blink to me it was a door to the world of voices.
"Are you all werewolves?"
They all looked shocked by my question.
"We never told you we were werewolves."
I shrugged at the boy with a devilish grin on his face. His dark hair and deep eyes, made him look ten times scarier. If they knew what I was they would know right now that they didn't change my parents they killed my parents. They might not have the gene but they did have the blood.
"You didn't have too"
I smirked at them and then Nick stepped forward.
"Austin, you should just walk away..."
"Nick.... You should be the one walking away. You first put my sister in the hospitals then you come in to my home and kill my parents. Then to top that off by you threaten me!"
My voice was scary calm and evidently the others though so too because only the scary kid didn't take a step back.
"You may be werewolves, but I am positive you have no idea what you are up against."
I glared at all of them. The kid in the front met my stare.
"We didn't kill your parents. We bit them. Meaning they will change, just like your sister will."
I gulped, my parents never said anything about a bite. If she was bitten then she was going to die in a few weeks.
"Do you realize what you just said to me!"
I looked up with such furry in my eyes, that I was surprised my powers weren't going crazy yet.
"Austin, calm down dude, they will be fine."
Nick took a step forward and I turned to look at him.
"You don't understand. You just don't listen do you!?"
Energy flowed to my hands and I threw it at the pack. I heard Nick cuss and I heard as crashes echoed around me as the tried to doge the attack. I turned and took off running. I had to get away from the mundane so they wouldn't get hurt. I heard growls as they chased after me. I entered the private property across from my house and took off toward the back where a fence lined the wear house. I threw balls of energy at them trying to pick them off. I made it to the fence and tried looking panicked. I turned to face the pack that now made a fence around me so I had no running escape.
"You know you should of listened to Nick. Now we have to kill you too. Taylor will be happy to have another Aurora is out of her hair."
My frown turned to a smirk.
"And you should have listened when I said you have no idea what you are dealing with. Make sure you tell Taylor I hope to see her soon."
I waved bye as they looked confused. I fell back falling threw a portal landing on a pack of snow out side the pool doors in the court yard. I quickly closed the portal so no one could follow. The snow stung my skin as the cold seeped through my clothes. I got up brushing off the snow and went to search for the Aurora I sensed when I went to this school. Of course he wouldn't know me but I was in need. Part of my powers were sensing other Auroras but some were harder to pin point as their gene or bloodline of powers were coming to an end. Then their were types like this kid, that I could sense as soon as I was in the same building as them.
I approached the pool doors and quickly walked into the warmth. I smiled and went to find a specific lifeguard. I went up and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around with a confused expression once he saw me.
"Can I help you?"
I smiled at his intake of the situation.
"Actually yes, are you Hayden?"
His frown deepened as he studied me.
"Yes that is me, but I am sorry, do I know you?"
I shook my head.
"No, but you do know my sister. Samantha Woods."
His expression changed to confusion to suspicion.
"Let's take this conversation else where."
I nodded to his request and waited for him to get another lifeguard to cover for him. Then I was fallowing him to a far door and we were out in a fenced in court yard. As soon as the door closed off he grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me into a wall. I raise my hands in surrender.
"I am not here to cause trouble, I am here seeking help. That is it."
"Oh really!? I don't believe you. First of all ,you come in here as a complete stranger and you know my name. I thought well maybe this guy read about me in the news. Then you say you are Sam's brother, when she has no siblings that I know of."
I roll my eyes.
"I am Sam's brother. I am Austin Woods. I go to Youngstown st university."
He slammed me against the wall again.
"Stop lying!"
I was starting to get a head ache and the cold was really not helping.
"I am not lying. I swear. I am just trying to find help. There is a pack of werewolves in the area that are attacking mundane. There Alfa had them attack my sister and she was bitten in the process. If you were a true Aurora, when someone came up seeking for help you wouldn't be slamming them against a wall."
I stared at him. He looked at me like I was crazy.
"Dude, what you do? Wake up on the crazy side of the bed this morning?"
Was he being serious? I let out a sigh an closed my eyes. 'How does he know? Most mundane think we are myths, yet this dude walked in and claims he is related to Sam. That he knows of werewolves and Auroras and comes in looking for me. Does he even realize what I can do?'
My eyes snap open and I look at him.
"I do realize what you can do. You are an Oceanist. Aka you can control water. I also know you are an Aurora just like me."
His eyes widen and looked at me with cool eyes.
"How do you know what I was thinking?"
I rolled my eyes, making him slam me against the wall again. Ok I am sick of this. I took my energy an aimed it at him sending him flying back into the fence. He sat up looking at me stunned.
"You are a freak!"
Seriously he is still trying to act like he is a mundane.
"You and I both know you are just as much of a freak that I am."
"No I am not..."
I threw another ball of energy at him, which this time a wall of water blocked it canceling the energy of the power.
"What about you not being a freak?"
I walked over offering a hand which he smacked away and climbed to his feet on his own.
"Fine you got me, I am like you. So now what?"
I rolled at my eyes and threw my hands up in the air.
"Did you not hear a word I said? I am trying to ask for your H-E-L-P."
He rolled his eyes and ran a hand threw his hair.
"Fine I will help. Let me get Alva to cover for the rest of my shift so we can find some more help. If we are going to take on a pack we are going to need more then just me and you."
He walked away pulling the door open and walked through. The others stared at us as Hayden continue to make a scene. I just chilled as he grumbled and barked orders. Soon he was grabbing his jacket and walking out with me closely following behind.
"So where are these  friends you were talking about?"
He stopped and turned to look at me.
"You couldn't sense them but you could sense me?"
I let out a breath.
"My powers are complicated. Yes I can sense an Aurora near by but pin pointing who it is is another story. You were easy because yours was stronger then most. Then your thoughts were also out there."
"Wow wow wow, hold on, now you are telling me you can not only sense Auroras but you can read minds too?"
"Yes Hayden, now can we go?"
"No not until you tell me what else you can do."
I rose an eye brow.
"Fine, I can sense Auroras, read minds, manipulate time, create a time bomb, and make portals, can we go now?"
I motioned to the door.
"Why don't you just portal to where we need to go?"
I groaned in frustration and looked at the kid.
"Look we are wasting time. I can't portal everywhere I go and I can't be going around waving my hands around. It makes it easy to track us. There are hunters who want to kill us, but not only that a pack of werewolves. Get that through your head."
He looked at me then crossed his arms.
"I am the one offering you to help. Now I am going to do this my way or not at all. I still don't trust you. I know about the hunters and now of the stupid wolves, but I am the one helping you. Keep that in mind buddy."
He walked out the doors pulling out his cell. Good grief teenagers. After a few seconds I heard someone pick up.
"Hey Adam, we got a code blue, have everyone meet at your house in 10, I am on my way."
That was all he said before he hung up. He then ushered me to follow him to his car. We both climbed in and we were on our way.

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