Chapter 10: Sacrifice

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Hayden's POV (back to when Sam was taken)

  "Then take me but I am not going to be nice about it. But I will not let you kill another person I care for." 

I watch not able to do anything as the black haired girl took a step towards her knocking her out. I started to take a step towards her but was stopped my sister's hand. I looked back at her and she only shook her head no sadly. Austin was not happy it took all three brothers to hold him back. 

"Taylor you may think you have won but you just made it worse on yourself."

She motioned for her pack to continue and turned to look at Austin. 

"I think I will be quite fine. I have a certain way with words. By the time I am done with her. She will be fighting you."

Austin started to fight even harder. He got loose and ran right at Taylor. She extended her claws and started to growl. He all of a sudden disappeared re appearing right by Taylor. He grabbed her hair and threw her to the ground.

"You are messing with the wrong group of people."

With that he let her go. I couldn't believe it at first but he actually let her go. She shifted to the wolf that she is and left after her pack of wolves and Rouges. I stared at Austin as he walked past us obviously pissed. His grandfather and grandmother were both dead and the house was no longer safe.

"We need to move. This is no longer safe. If we were found once we will be found again. Get what we need then we are out. Dean, Adam and Nolan, get your parents we are going to have to find them a new spot to stay hidden for the time being."

"I think we will be fine at our house, Austin. It is yourselves you should be worried about."

He looked down then up. His eyes were glowing purple. Something that I have never seen his eyes do before. He stared Adam's father down.

"I don't care. You need a new place to stay hidden. I lost my family, I am not letting another family be torn apart because of some pack that wants my family. So get your things we are going to be moving in 20."

"20 What?"

Austin turned to me with his weird eyes. 

"As quick of a 20 as you can manage Hayden. No move!"

Everyone scrambled except Austin. He snapped his fingers then he was downstairs with me moving things into his bag like it was nothing. He threw things in his bag angry. He was not the Austin that was cool headed and always joking around. Also annoying the crap out of me. 

"Dude, what is wrong with you? Wait bad question. Why are you not being you?"

He scuffed lightly.

"Why am I not me? I don't know what you are talking about. I am perfectly fine other then the fact that the only family I know of that is alive was taken by a sociopath and as far as I know I could be killed just trying to get her back."

I shook my head.

"One thing I know is if you let your head get in the way, you are right. You will die, but if you actually talk to I don't know the people you randomly tracked down because we have powers then maybe we might actually stand a chance. So stop babying around and actually act like the annoying ass you can be."

He looked shocked by my answer but still didn't say anything. I knew something was not right with him. I know that his mind is probably question everything but he can't let that get to him or we will all end up dead. I grabbed my packed back pack  and climbed the stairs to the kitchen where the others were gathered. They all ended up getting a place to sleep up stairs once Austin and I went total crazy. Austin didn't come up right away. I took him two more minutes before he came up. He silently went out the sliding doors to the back yard. He made a purple portal and motioned for all of us to go through. I dove through only to be standing in a torn apart house. It looked like a struggle went on in here. Their was glass shattered across the floor. The pictures were all lying on the ground in pieces. I picked up a certain photo. The boy and girl in the photo both looked happy and seemed to be sitting on a hill. I didn't realize right away but the two were a younger version of Austin and Sam. They looked normal and happy to be together. I looked around noticing more and more photos of his family. I also noticed that their was caution tape surrounding the door meaning this was now a crime scene that we stood in. I looked at Austin that was staring at the spot were blood seemed to be stained into the carpet. I walked up to him putting my hand on his shoulder. He tensed slightly but other then that staid where he was.

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