Chapter 9: Giving In

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Sam's POV back to when the grandfather gets the telepathic message from Austin

      "Anyone else thinks it is weird Austin just got up and left."

"Leave him alone Dean, he has a rough last couple of days."

"Who has had a rough last couple of days."

We all turn our attention to Hayden that just came in to interrupt Adam's and Dean's little argument. Thank god for Hayden.

"My brother, now are you OK. You are looking a little bit pale."

I put his hand to his forehead causing him to blush. oops.

"Yeah I am fine but I would like you to remove your hand from my forehead please. You are not my mom."

I laughed but put my hand down anyways. I turned to my grandfather who had a weird look on his face.

"Mrs. and Mr. Write I am going to have to ask you to go somewhere safe. Kids, I need you to come with me. Hayden and Hava you need to stay close to the house, don't let anyone in here. Austin told me we have a problem outside with some weres and rouge Auroras. Oh and one other thing don't let the girl with black hair and eyes touch you."

I exchanged a look with the others before following them outside. My brother had a dome shield around the place but the three Auroras outside of it was slowly breaking it away. Finally the blonde haired girl put her hand on the shield and it splintered sending my brother flying through the air. The blood in my body started to pump drowning out the sound and I was off running. The other followed example. I reached my brother that looked a little dazed but over all OK. I reached down and helped him to his feet.

"Are you OK?"

"For now, but I need you to make sure you watch Nick. He is going to go after Hayden and Hava. Let me rephrase that. He is going to try to bite Hava."

"Then it looks like I am going to fight Nick."

With that I took off after my ex that was heading closer to the house. I talked him to the ground only to get a growl in return. I got off him only to have him turn to me. He changed into a giant gray wolf with bright blue eyes. Yep that is defiantly creepy. He barked at me before leaping at me. I brought my hands up and did a swing motion having a tree branch and wake him out of mid air.

"Stupid wolf."

He got up and looked at me again. He growled and the hairs on his back stood up. I flared up my own glowing eyes and looked at him and growled back. We started to circle each other till a water ball came flying through the air and hit him smack in the face. I laughed and then saw Hava standing their and it quickly faded. Oh no. Nick went to jump at her but I grew some ivy and wrapped it around his back leg and dragging him back to me. He started to paw at the ground trying to get away, I stopped the pulling once he was at my feet,

"You have been a very bad dog. No you need a nap time to think about what you have done."

I then kicked him the head knocking the wolf out. One thing to know about a swimmer. If it comes to self defense we kick a lot. Then a swoosh of air came flying by me and sent me flying away from Nick and into a tree. I looked up to see the blond speedster that unfortunately for us was a rogue. I rubbed the back of my head and got to my feet. I watched her pattern of running then sent my energy to have the grass grabbed her ankle. It tripped her causing her to trip and role a couple times. Just for good measure I summoned some vine and wrapped her up making it almost impossible for her to get out. I looked around to the others only seeing fights going on but to also see my grandfather get bit and then ripped to shreds. I screamed and tears started to fall.

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