Chapter 7:Addition

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      I watched the portal close behind Austin. Where is Hayden? Sam? I stormed towards Austin a slightly pushed him back with anger boiling in my veins.

"Where are they?"

"Calm down Adam they will meet us here. You gotta trust my sister on this one."

"Trust! Are you kidding me right now. We used to trust the people that truned your sister. Or did you forget about that?"

"Adam, they will be fine. My sister knows how to get out of these situations."

"You just don't get it do you. If there were hunters near us you can guaranteeing that the were wouldn't be far behind."

"You don't know that!"

I pushed him back again.

"Yeah well I know that you are going to end up getting us killed just like you ended up killing you parents. You know how because YOU weren't there!"

Austin's expression darkened. Hava took a step towards me.

"Adam you might want to appolagize for that. Austin didn't do anything wrong."


"No Sam is with him."

"Both of you shut up!"

Austin shouted and stormed in between us pushing us apart. He turned his attention to me.

"You need to pull yourself together. I would not leave your team mate behind if I thought Sam couldn't take care of the situation. Two I did not kill my parents, that damn pack did and if I got the chance to kill those mutts I would, but I had some hung up over confident teens to worry about. And that includes your ass."

   I took a deep breath.

"At least I didn't hide from my problems."

I didn't think Austin's gaze could go any darker but boy was I wrong. He swung his fist hitting me in the jaw. I hell to the ground holding my cheek.

"You son of a bitch!"

I got up throwing a ball of flame at him. He opened a portal to some place random sending the ball from existence. I ran at him full on anger and tackled him to the ground. I punched him hard in the eye. he grunted then headbutted me sending me back words. He shook his head before grabbing me by my shirt and hall me to my feet. I kicked him in the place that hurts. He dropped dropped me and fell to his knees. He looked up power starting to form around him. A surge of purple light hit me in the chest sending me back knocking the air from my lungs. He got up and walked towards me. The others were all in shock unsure on what to do.

"I didn't hide from my problems because I wanted to you moron. My sister put herself in danger by coming as well known as she is, and look where that got her. She is lucky she is not dead because of her choices. Hunters have been in the search of MY family before Auroras had to go into hiding. So next time you want to blame someone for something stupid. Think about who you are blaming."

He walked away from the rest of us to the little house that stood a bit away with a group of people standing outside of it. The older gentle man put a hand on Austin's shoulder which he shrugged off and stormed in. I saw three more people standing by the old man. Two I recognized as my parents. My brothers caught on two because they took off and about knocked them over with their hugs. I calmly walked over. My mom put her hand on my bad cheek. I flinched away. She pulled me into a giant hug. I chocked back a few tears before they spilled out.

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