Chapter 5: The Escape

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Sam's Pov.
How am I not dead. I know last night was the full moon and I know I was bitten but how am I not dead. Maybe the werewolf wasn't the one that bit me. A Knock came to my hospital door. I saw Lauren and Nolan standing there smiling away. Lauren came up and hugged me with all her might. I pushed her back a little so Nolan could get a hug too. I looked around to see if my family was with them but they weren't there. I knew something must have happened because when the doctor called my parents they never showed. I looked at the two worried.
"Where is my brother, my family?"
They exchanged a look. Your brother is...outside waiting, but the place is surrounded by werewolves and hunters."
My eyebrows scrunched together.
"Then how did you get in?"
Nolan shrugged.
"Weak enough powers I guess."
My eyes went wide.
"Wait, you have powers?"
Lauren laughed.
"Yes silly now let's go."
She tossed me my clothes off the chair on the side, and started to unclip the equipment on me and turning them off. I got changed in no time and followed them out. I could tell that my sight and hearing has improved drastically. It was kinda scary. We snuck past nurse after doctor after guard.m after well everyone till we reached the back door. I instantly new what my brother meant.
"You guys weren't kidding when you said surrounded."
Lauren laughed.
"Now how should we go out."
I looked at Nolan and smiled evilly at him.
"I go out you run."
Before they could protest I walked out and instantly the alarms went off. Hunters started to come near me as well as... wolves? Wait how do I know that. I felt as my vision sharpen. I rose my hands and like it was nothing the grass grew drastically and wrapped it's self around all of the limbs. I pushed my hands apart making a path way for myself. As soon as I stepped foot in the woods I dropped the command in the grass and looked at Nolan and Lauren who stared back at it. Well I never been able to do that before. You see I could always make things grow but make them shrink that was a new one. Controlling life for a bit that was what I used to be able to do but they never could be reversed. The control on animals maybe but plants hella no. I felt a tug on my jacket making me look back at Nolan and Lauren. I rose an eyebrow questionably. Lauren sighed.
"We need to meet with the other"
Right on Q my brother bursted out from some bush and tackled me into a hug. I smiled and returned the favor.
"I thought you were dead."
I laughed.
"I am wondering how I am not dead."
He laughed and hugged me tighter. He pushed me back before studying me.
"You know how stupid that was just to walk out like that. You could've been captured."
"By the wolves or hunters?"
"Does it matter!?"
I laughed and hugged him. He rested his chin on top of my head. I could smell the smoke and sweat and grime and stuff I shouldn't be able to smell. I pulled back and looked at him worried.
"When did you run into werewolves and...smoke? You don't smoke... why do I smell..."
"How can you smell all that."
"I...I...I don't know?"
I looked down at the ground before stepping back. I herd steps approaching from behind. I turned and saw hunters approaching the tree line. No one else seemed to notice.
"We need to get moving. Hunters will be on us."
My brother nodded and made a portal. Before leaving I made the plants thicken making it harder to get through. Then after everyone went thorough I jumped through followed by my brother. I looked around not sure where we were. I turned and saw our house and I looked sadden. I could smell blood and more werewolves and even more specific. Fear, Adrenaline, a fight, death. I looked at my brother catching his sent and Nick's? Cole's? Basically all those that attacked me.
"Austin.... why do I smell...blood."
He looked at me confused before realization. Hit him. He put his hands down.
"Taylor's pack decided to stop by."
With that I took off running across the corn field. Damn this is why swimmers are not runners. Hayden was the one that caught to me first. Figures. I felt tears start falling and I fought with everything I had. 
"Let me go! I need to go!! Please!"
I sobbed out still fighting against his hold.
"Sam you need to calm down. We don't know if it is a trap."
I still fought not caring in a world for what he was saying. I needed to see them.
"I am really sorry about this Smith."
Before he could ask I elbowed him in the stomach and kicked back causing him to fall back. I took off running but before I could get far a wall of water appeared in front of me. I stomped back staring at it in shock. I turned back to see Hayden was the one constructing it. I also saw Hava there pitching. I looked at the others around me. None of them were freaking out over it. The wall slowly fell down and I stared at all of them.
"Do all of you have powers?"
Everyone nodded. Yiyiyi, what the hell has my brother been up to? I turned to see another group has formed infront of my house. There stood, Taylor, Nick, Cole, and Jenna. Taylor smirked at me before leading the smell of mutt towards us. I backed up to my teammates and family. The group of wolves stopped before us.
"You do realize she is part of our pack now?"
I looked at them confused.
"The hell I am."
She smirked and flashed her red wolf eyes at me.
"Of course you are. I am the Alfa, my beta bit you making you part of my pack."
"I don't think it works that way."
My brother stepped forward looking at the wolves after he said those words.
"And who would you be?"
Taylor rose a brow and glared at the rest of us. How is beyond me.
"Her brother."
"That is funny because Nicki here didn't report a brother."
She glared over at Nick who whimpered and backed away. Cole grabbed him by the back of the neck pushing him forward. Taylor kicked him causing me to flinch for the poor boy.
"There is no need for do that I am well un-known. I mean even these guys didn't know I existed."
"That is cute, now do you want to explain how your new were wolf sister doesn't belong in my pack. I mean I already know her mom and dad died to the bite but she survived making her mine."
Her eyes flashed again making me cringe a little. My brother laughed.
"Because she is a one of a kind now.."
"They all say that sweet cheeks."
My brother cringed at the name. Taylor stepped past him and looked at me flashing her red eyes. They flowed with an energy I felt like no more.

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