Chapter 3: Battle

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Adam's Pov.

I was starting to get why Hayden and Dean were getting frustrated with Austin. Yes, he was older, and probably smarter then most of us, but he was a trickster, a know it all and just plain out annoying. He knew Dean would've done what he did but he just let him do it instead of stopping him.
"Dean, you gotta calm down."
My brother simply glared at Nolan and stormed off. I looked at my twin and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry about him. He will get over it."
"And if he doesnt?"
I shook my head and smiled even though chills were running down my spine.
"We will worry about it latter."
My brother looked down at his feet. He may be the same age as me but he was still the baby of the family. No matter what he did, he was exactly that. I have always acted older then what I have been, so I am used to Nolan getting the special treatment.
We seemed to be walking forever when Austin stopped and turned to us raising a finger to his lips. He walked a bit forward trying to be as quiet as he could. He went behind a tree and peered around it. He then quickly ran back to us, fear clearly written on his face. He quickly opened a portal and we all stared at him dumb founded.
"Don't stand there! Run!"
We all snapped out of it quickly and jumped through the portal that he had created. We all looked back just in time to see the hunters behind him shoot a brace at his ankle. The portal flickered and slowly started to close. The time around me seemed to slow and I knew it wasn't Austin doing it, but I also knew I disliked him but I knew he was a person we needed to stay alive. I sprinted towards the portal and dove through. It snapped shut behind me and grabbed the brace and heated my hands. The stupid thing kept sending jolts of electricity up my arm. I could feel the thing trying to zap the energy from me. I held up on of my hands and shot a ball at the two hunters. The dove to the side and kept melting the stupid thing. They shot a thing at me and I ducked. I looked up just in time for them to do it again. I got up dragging Austin with me to get out of the way if the flying brace. I shot another ball of fire at them. The brace finally gave in and broke. I helped Austin up but he looked completely drained. He was very pail and his hair stuck to his forehead. He coughed and his legs gave in.
"Come on, we need to go!"
I picked him up, taking all his weight. I shot more balls of fire at them but they still didn't give in. I gritted my teeth and dragging him away and shooting fire at the hunters. I slipped and fell and looked back only to see the two approach me. I was drained and tired and black spots swarmed my vision. I lifted my head to see the two men standing above me. They shook their head.
"You should've stayed on the other side of that damn portal."
I coughed spitting on their shoes.
"And you should've stayed away from us."
I kicked at the one man's knee. His partner kicked me causing pain to shoot through my leg. One thing you should know about my family is the long time of anger issues, making it really easy to piss me off. My eyes went cold and I quickly pushed Austin away from me as my body took light of flames. The two screamed and ran the other way. I shot a been of light at them killing the life near them catching the forest alight. I calmed down and calapsed. I pushed my way to Austin's passed out self. The flames wouldn't hurt me but him.... Would be a another story. I shook his shoulder but I was already too weak to move and I did the one thing that my body wanted, passed out.
I woke up to a burned down forest. The smoke was thick and honestly we were lucky to be alive, well Austin is......if he actually survived. I crawled over and lightly checked his pulse. It was weak but it was there. I let out a breath of relief and got to my feet. My legs protested but I knew those hunters would be back and we had to find the others. I grabbed Austin and put him on my back and slowly dragged him away.
I collapsed a little bit away. You could see the smoke in the distance. It made the sky turn black and I was still curious on how the flames disappeared, but I wasn't complaining. I leaned Austin against a tree and sat next to him. I leaned my head back and then I heard a cough. I looked over to see Austin move his head a little. I removed his shades, which I was still confused how they were still on.
"What happened?"
I laughed at his question. A mind reader has to ask what happened.
He laughed and looked at me.
"And you were stupid enough to stay behind and help me?"
I shook my head smiling.
"Even I know that you are our hope to actually surviving this war, but next time I won't."
I smiled and nudged his shoulder.
"You got lucky, I can't control the voices right now, so yours is screaming, so out of what I am hearing you got lucky."
"Just say thank you."
"Nah I am good."
I rolled my eyes and go to my feet. I helped him to his feet, he was a bit wobbly but he could support his own weight.
"Good I don't have to carry you any more."
I swept my arms in front of my self. He looked at me confuse and I rolled my eyes letting my arms fall to my sides.
"Lead, you know the way, I just been trying to get away from the smoke."
He grumbled something but started looking around then started walking. He stumbled every once in a while but I followed and cheeked behind us every few seconds.
"You can stop looking behind us, the hunters are not the smartest bunch. I can hear there voices and think we went to the outer edge of the forest."
I stopped and looked at him funny.
"You are wondering where we are going if we are not going out."
He turned to me with a smile.
"I hear everyone's voice a bit out towards the middle, they ended up going the wrong way which is good and bad at the same time."
He looked at the sky that was growing dark.
"We need to find high ground to rest for the night, it is a full moon tonight. These woods is a big place for hunters and werewolves."
He looked around and then went to a tree and tested some limbs. He waved me over and helped me up to the first branch. I went to a good stopping point and looked down to the far ground. My grip tightened and I felt like I was going to pass out. One thing I hated was heights. I could clime forever as long as I don't look down
"A little higher, Adam, you are still visible."
My stomach flipped. My muscles hurt but I continued to climb. We couldn't risk being found and hopefully the others would figure something out.
"That is good!"
I rolled my eases and found a good area to sit and pin my self so I wouldn't fall. I really hope I wouldn't roll over in my sleep.
      It turns out sleeping in a tree was basically impossible. I was too scared about falling and I kept hearing licensors in the woods. Austin though, I swear he could sleep to anything. He Passed out as soon as he was up in the tree. I listened for anything out of the ordinary. I heard a few cracks of twigs and moving feet but I didn't want to worry about that now. I summoned a thing of fire and threw it a bit away hopefully to draw attention away from us. And hopefully the group. I watched at group of teens approached it. They looked around searching for campers and when they turned in my direction, I saw their glowing eyes. Werewolves. It wasn't anyone I knew and it wasn't the pack that attacked Austin, we all knew them because they have come in contact with them but these no idea. I grabbed the near by rock and threw it at Austin hitting him in the head. He woke in a Quick and I help my fingers to my lips and pointed towards the fire. His eyes got wide and he stood on his branch. I followed suit. He made a portal below him and jumped, he landed on the branch below me and looked at the Pacheco was searching around them for a form of life.
"Can you get me close. I can get them to leave. According to legion a fire wisp can kill a werewolf. I can light myself on fire and pose as one. I just have to find away to make sure it doesn't spread like the last one."
Austin looked at me crazy.
"Are you stupid. It is legion not true. Werewolves kill our kind. They might not even know of this legion."
I shrugged.
"They will if I light them on fire. Side sit is worth a shot. They will stay their till something shows up and honestly I would rather I take care of it now then have to deal with it later."
"Adam, think will you! There could be many more then that. Like I said this forest is full of werewolves and one thing they like more then killing vampires is our kind."
"Just do it. I got rid of hunters I can scare a few dogs."
He shook his head but all the same transferred me to the tree above them. I whistled a little amusing them to look up.
"Are you pups lost?"
I waved at them and the growled at me.
"Are you scared?"
I laughed.
"You do know not to answer a question with a question right?"
I smiled but all the same made flame steps so I could safely walk down to the ground. I bowed and looked at them.
"I am Adam by the way. Don't want to be rude after all since our....old relationship didn't go so well."
They looked at each other then back at me in confusion. I laughed a little.
"Oh my bad, I didn't even tell you what I am, since you know I am obviously not human."
The Alfa came up to me and got in my face.
"You better stop messing around, their is a lot more of us then you."
"Oh but Wolfie! My kind can kill thousands of you at a time."
I smiled evilly and lit my hands on fire.
"After all my wisp self have been waiting for my meal all night long."
Fear went through their expressions.
"Impossible, fire wisps are extinct."
I laughed at the poor pup. And I tilted my head to the side.
"Then why am I standing here."
My smile grew and caught the rest of my body on fire and threw a flame at the nearest wolf and he caught fire and started to burn. He yelped and called for help but none came. The others were now running and I laughed as I threw more fire at them. Once the cries died down. I looked to where Austin stood in the tree and he snapped his fingers and he was next to me in an instant. He shook his head smiling and patted me on the shoulder.
"Not bad, not bad at all, but what are we going to do with the pup now?"
I looked at the poor dead kid.
"Get rid of him I guess."
Austin sighed and made a portal opening to a hole of dirt. I summoned the thing of fire back to me. The sent of burning flesh and smoke filled the air and everything else was silent.
"We better get moving before they come back. I would hate to be caught red handed for not being what I said I was."
Austin nodded in agreement and made a portal for us to walk through.
         We landed right outside a camp. We didn't know what the camp was filled of so we cautiously approached it only to be attacked my electric bolts. I was hit and screamed in pain. I clutched my arm and fell to the ground trying to get the electricity to stop running up my arm. Austin was surrounded be dark matter and in a cage that was basically impossible to get out of, unless of course you were Austin who just simply snapped his fingers and was by my side. He looked around and then he was staring at something.
"Nolan! Stop it you dumb ass! You are hurting your brother!"
The volts stopped suddenly and pounding of feet came and my two brothers were by me. I layed down looking at the sky still feeling volts running through my body. I wanted to get up but my body was refusing to obey.
"Adam! I am so sorry!"
I laughed a little.
"Sorry to break it To you Nole, but I know you are not."
He laughed and turned to our older brother.
"I can't believe these two survived and that the fact that we don't have to go on a double rescue mission."
I rolled my eyes and got up off the forest floor.
"Can we go see the others already?"
They nodded and then we walked through a weird wall that looked like a random camp but inside was a group of ready to fight teams that soon came up to us telling how happy they were to see us. Well excepts Lauren who had collapsed in exhaustion. Austin went over by Hava who was by Lauren and he allowed his hand glow and swoop overherfigure. I have no idea what he did but Lauren was on her feed greeting me with no problems and Austin was now pail and wobbly on his feet. And once again the time walker collapsed and passed out.

Not edited.

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