Chapter 4: The Plan

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Austin's Pov.                                                                                                                                                                              

I don't remember passing out but I do remember waking up, and I will tell you what. My head was hurting. The others looked down at me as I rubbed my eyes and looked around to see where we were. That I had no idea where that was.                                                                                                             "Where are we?"                                                                                                                                                                   "South side of the  forest. I don't know exactly what part Lauren said that."                                              "Don't pull me into this, Adam!"                                                                                                                                    He shrugged it off and helped me to my feet and looked around. It was the south side that is for sure, but it wasn't where we needed to be.                                                                                                                "We need to gather our stuff and start heading east that will be where the hospital will be."                 They all nodded and started to gather our stuff.  I looked around to get a feel. I was happy to see that Lauren had put up another barrier around the group so no one from the outside could know we were there. No more hunters or werewolves would be a good thing. I knew better though. She wasn't strong enough to hold a barrier for that long. Last time I had to back time up and trick her body on thinking that she never had a barrier up for as long as she did, because one she would of died or past out and two she was just not that capable. She is great and all but she is just not there yet, but she will be sooner or later.                                                                                       "Where are we going?"                                                                                                                                                         I looked over to Hayden no expecting him to be there actually wanting to get answers but here he was. I was surprised he wasn't there to smart mouth me or something. I already knew that a lot of this team didn't like me but dang he was on top of the list.                                                                    "We still need to get to my sister. We already off schedule and she is a wake. She is not going to stay still forever. Then on top of that she is already going to know something is wrong because for who knows how long, my family and I haven't shown up even though we got a call and she knows that our family is always there on time. That includes me. Then on top of that last night was a full moon and there was reports on a bite so if she is alive....that would be a first for everyone and a game changer."                         He held his hands in surrender. I am guessing that I sounded frustrated or angry because no one looked at you in fear unless there is something in your voice. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I ducked away from it, turning to glare whoever touched me. Adam stared back with just as much worry and guilt that I felt because he was the one that basically saved my ass. That was for sure. Then we would of been twice as much behind then what we are now.                                                          "We are ready to go when ever you are. Also. Dude, You seriously need to chill. I think you are putting all of us a little on edge.... Nothing against but you are a little.... tense would be a good label for it, I guess."                                                                                                                                                               I gulped and nodded my head in understanding. I can see that. I didn't realize at the time but the reason Hayden must of been staring at me was probably because I snapped at him.                     "Then let's get out of here. I am ready to go."                                                                                                            I slide my suff over my shoulders and started walking. It wasn't till I saw a the Hospital building did I realize not all of us could get through. The whole thing was surrounded by werewolves and Hunters. I don't know if they were working together but I had a feeling that they were either looking for me because I pissed them off or Adam because he killed one of theirs and tried to burn the hunters who were after us. That or they had no idea what each other were. They were simply looking for a common enemy. I stopped everyone as I searched for our way in, but I knew there was no was I was or Adam would be getting through the doors. Both kinds would know our faces and would be on us in an instint. Then on top of that I couldn't sent anyone too powerful that could set off the alarms of the hunter's sensers. I looked around the group for someone that Sam would know and my eyes landed on Lauren. They were best friends and she wasnt too strong. I looked around the group trying to get a feel for the powers around me and I knew that the others would all be a risk, but I couldn't risk sending Lauren in alone. That would be too much of a bad thing. Nolan was not the weakest but he was other then Hava the least experience bring the aplatuid down on him. I would just have to hope that the sensers wouldn't go off. I looked at the two and summoned them away from the group.                                                                         "We have a slight problem. We have hunters and werewolves surrounding the building and you two are the only ones with a chance to actually make it past them."                                                                 "How would they know that we would be coming here?"                                                                             "While your brother and I was out we did run into some problems were a werewolf was killed and sides a pack already knew what I was so they would already know that I would sooner or latter show up here to get my sister. Then the hunters we did try to basically burn them alive, well your brother did. I was pasted out from having my powers drained. Time walkers and being drained of their power is not a good mix."                                                                                                                   Lauren stickled a laugh while Nolan looked shocked for a second.                                                                "So you are actually telling me that my brother didn't just attempt to kill some people he actually did?"                                                                                                                                                                                             I rolled my eyes and looked at me frustrated.                                                                                                             "Did you not hear any word I just say or was I talking to a wall?"                                                                   "What ever, but why me I still have strong powers aren't you worry that I might set off an alarm?"                                                                                                                                                                                       "No I am actually scared out my mind because that could expose the rest of us because you have two sibling hiding that will be watching you as you go in like I would if it was my sister that was going in. The reason though is because I can't have Lauren going in by herself, so you are the next to be going because I can see you don't have as much power with your powers to you would have a less higher amplitude then the rest of us."                                                                              "So you are saying I am weak?"                                                                                                                                      "That is not what I said. I said you need to train more and you will but first we need to get to my sister. so let's go over and talk to the others so they actually know what the hell is going on."
Bad part wasn't being inturupting from the people on what the plan was or how it would go. Not even, Why dont you go in!? Or What you dont want to get your own sister. No it was convincing both Adam and Dean that their brother would be fine. I know both saw him as the baby of the family even if he was the same age as Adam he was still the youngster. He even acted that way but I wasnt the one talking.  I was basically the same way. I acted more like a high school rather then that adult I am supposed to  be.                                                                                                                                            "You are not going to let Nolan go. He would never make it past the sensers. Anyway if you haven't noticed there are a bunch of things up there that would love to put their hands on him"                            "You dont think I know that, Dean! I am not blind you know. and on top of that I will be here. I can get them out of there with ablink of an eye, but the sensors will sure be going crazy and I garentee that I will have to split from the group so they dont get the rest of us. I am really hoping I wont have to repeat history though."                                                                                                                            "That isn't what I am trying to do. I am trying to keep my little brother safe."                                              I sighed and looked at Dean.                                                                                                                                            "Would it make you feel better if i just telaported him in., because I can get him in without making a disturbance but I won't be able to get them out and with my sister being there wont be much of a help. Those sensors are going to go off as soon as Sam exits the door. That is if she is still alive."
Everyone looked at me shocked.
"Why wouldn't she be alive?"
I looked at Adam.
"Because last night was a full moon and she had a report of a bite. Those two don't mix very well."
They all nodded and started getting ready to set forward the plan. The brothers were obviously worried about their brother but all the same Nolan was ready and confident. I looked at the two and nodded my head towards them.
"Are you two sure you are ready to do this?"
They nodded and I snapped my fingers making a glowing portal appear.
"This should take you to a blind spot within the hospital that no one should see. Make sure to stay low and don't draw too much attention to your selves. Also remember that there are hunters and werewolves out side make sure you are ready to run as soon as you get out. As soon as I can see you I should be able to make a portal to transport you."
The nodded and jumped through.
Everyone was on edge. Adam wouldn't stop passing. Dean kept making random power blurs. I just kept my eyes peeled on the door ready for any movement.
"You ok there o'clock?"
I looked at Hayden.
"Did you just call me O'clock?"
"That wasn't the question."
I laughed and shook my head.
"Yeah I am just peachy."
"Dude take a breather, we got this. Lauren is one of the smartest person in could meet and Nolan is pretty damn lucky."
"But what about Sam?"
I looked at him and he forced a smile.
" the strongest wielded person that anyone could have the pleasure of meeting. If there is anyone that could survive a werewolf bite it is her."
I forced a smile and nodded a thanks. But turned my attention back to the door way they will hopefully know to exit.
"What is taking them so long, they should of been out by now?!"
Adam sounded and looked on edge.
"They are fine. You gotta give them some time."
"And we have, I think we need to send someone in to get them out."
I put my head down.
"We can't."
"Why not!?"
"Because sending another person randomly looking for the same person is just asking for trouble."
"Then you can teleport in there and get them out."
"No not that easy, Adam. You see all those guards if they saw either one of us we would be dead and so Gould everyone else. And on top of that the time has passed so the blind spot I sent them will be filled with people now so I would be going in blind. That is plain out suicide."
"Then what about you change the time line."
"I do that the time line changes meaning something would be disposed from the era. I can't take that risk."
"Why not?"
I groaned in frustration.
"Because that could mean someone dies and that is the one thing I don't need in my hands. Now please shut up and be patient for the remainder of the time so I don't have to send you in a time zone."
Everything got really quite really fast and I stood there waiting for the others to come out.

Like normal not edited, but please vote, comment and request.

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