Chapter 9: The Blind Banker: Breaking In?

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  ~ Brooke's POV ~

When we arrived at the bank were went to see someone one called Sebastian Wilkes. He told me he knew my Dad back in UNI. I could see Dad didn't really like him and if I'm honest I didn't like him either. He seemed a bit of prick really.

Sebastian explained to us that someone broke into their former chairman's empty office last night and sprayed a bunch of symbols on a wall and across the head of the chairman's portrait. Sebastian showed us the room, and two symbols, one on a painting and one on the wall nearby. The building was sealed and the CCTV showed that the vandal did the deed within a 60 seconds! Between 11:33 PM and 11:34 PM.

Dad and I then walked through the office, trying to figuring out who has a line of sight to the chairman's office. We find one office and Dad removed the name sign of Eddie Van Coon, of the Hong Kong division.

Dad realised that Mr Van Coon could see the message from his desk. As Dad and I leave with John, Dad explained that the graffiti was a message to someone, and Van Coon was the only one who could see the room where the message was left -since he trades with China.

I had my go at explaining a guessed he probably works at night and the message was intended for someone who started their work at midnight.

As we head towards the door Sebastian offered to pay Dad to find the hole in their security. Dad just turned down the money, but John accepts it of course. Anything to help pay the bills.
We climbed into a cab and drove to Van Coon's apartment.

----------- (Short Time Skip) -----------

The cab dropped us off outside a bunch of apartments. We walked up to the door and buzzed his apartment. No answer.

"Oh well, we tried. Let's go," I joked and began to walk away. Dad grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back.

"Hold it boo. The person above him just moved in, look new label," Dad observed.

"Could have just replaced it," John suggested.

"No one does that," I pointed out as Dad presses the buzzer.

A Women answers... "Hello?" The women asked.

Dad cleared his throat and began to act. "Hi, I live in the flat below you. I don't think we've met?" Dad kindly told her.

"No, uh well I've just moved in," The women explained. Dad and I smirked at John.

"Actually, I've just locked my keys inside in the flat and my daughter has lost her's..." Dad trailed off.

"Oh do you want me to buzz you up?" The women asked. Dad smirked.

"Yes, and could I use your balcony?" Dad asked. I look up at him... what is he planning?

The kind women buzzed us up to her apartment. After and explanation of why we need the balcony was given she let Dad and I use her balcony to jump down. I watched Dad jump down but I was nervous. Sure I'd jumped over building tops but this... No thanks!

"Brooke, hang down and I'll catch you," Dad looked up at me and I looked down.

"Jump off a bridge!" I shouted.

"I just jumped of a balcony now hurry up," Dad yelled up.

I took a deep breath and climbed over the rail and lowered my self a little, closed my eyes then let go of the rail. I felt arms wrap around me. I opened my eyes and saw I was in my Dad's arms.

"Told you I'd catch you," Dad smirked and set me on my feet. I rolled my eyes.

I followed my Dad though the balcony door that was left open. We walked around the flat and looked over some of his things. I heard John calling us from outside, asking us to let him in. We ignored it and continued to look around the flat, I noticed the bedroom door was shut. I turned the handle but it was locked, I tried to shoulder barge it but I couldn't then I kicked it... didn't work!

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