1. An Odd Detention

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Lana's POV

You woke up to your pesky roommate shaking you side to side violently. You give her a hard pusu and push her away from

"Soo Mi, what the heck!" You screech, hitting her in the face with your white cased pillow. "I told you not to do that anymore!"

"Ha." A girl's face pops up from behind the pillow, her dark eyes gleaming with mischief. "I'll never listen to you, Lana. You know that." She gives you a wink, all the more to roll your eyes at.

This is Kanson (American relatives) Soo Mi. She is your best friend studying in the medical field along with yourself. You two have been friends for a few months now. You surprisingly have the same interests and both are sad when we have to dissect in class. It's sad thinking about the cats and dogs and birds, when life fluttered in their eyes.

"Pfft." You laugh at the wink as a cover-up for rolling your eyed. "Well, let's go to class now," you say walking to the door. As you're about to turn the knob, you hear a snort behind you. "Huh?" You look down and see you're in Pjs. "Heheh, oh yeah," you smile in embarassment.

You walk back over to your closet and pick out your last clean shirt until everything needs a wash. You take a pair of black knee-length shorts and slip them on. You had got your shoes and socks on. After, you whip your hair in a quick pony tail.

"Looking casual, Jameson Lana." Soo Mi smirked at you.

"Haha." You laugh falsely at her comment, "Bye dork."

She smiles and her gums can slightly be spotted. "Bye Chingu."

You close the door and quickly make your way down the hall. You start feeling eyes burning into the back of your head. You turn and see a man a bit older than you. He's intimidating with cold eyes, but it you can see affection beyond the edge of the coldness. You manage to get some words out, though. "U-u-umm... H-hello?"

"Jameson Lana," his voice has a Korean accent as he pronounces your American name.
"Follow me."

You look at him. "Ummm?..." You look the other way. The way you were walking. "But I have class in 25 minutes.. not to mention I need to grab a latte."

You wave at him and start walking away but he grabs your shoulder. Your face feels red. "E-excuse me Mr.?" You turn back at him.

"Today you are going to have detention with me." He smiles in an odd manner, sending uncomfortable shivers up your spine.

You blush more, it feels like someone smeared burning tomato sauce on your cheeks. "W-what?" Do colleges even have detention? You glare at him. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Lana." The guy says, his tone becoming darker. "Don't mess with me.."

"Please sir. I don't know what I did. Just tell me, please, what can I Do?" You were a mostly good kid, a bit of warnings back in elementary, but never detention.

His face seems as if it hurts after you plead for forgiveness, for whatever you did, so you put on the puppy dog eyes. The secret weapon.

"... Alright." He looks away, though you swear you see a faint pink spread across his face. He starts walking away from you.

"Hey, sir wait!" You raise your voice towards the strange young man.

He turns back and looks at you in the eyes. "Yes, what do you need?"

"Your name."

"Jung Hoseok."

You watch him walk away, mystified by him.


I just made up Lana's last name, it's NOT real.

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