5. Mine

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Your POV

You open your heavy eyes to see a blurry and colorful figure that is
carrying you bridal style but it seems that your vision is fuzzy. You are also dazed though, so everything is blurry. You guess the person carrying you is a man though, because of the broad figure.

"H...hu...huh?..." you squeak out a small voice and look around, everything is still fuzzy in your eyes, though.

"Shh..." a low but soft voice that sounds like a man's whispers into your ear tenderly.

You look around and it looks like you're in a vehicle, a car. The inside of it is a fuzzy black, its warm. After a few minutes of confusing fuzzy vision, you're being picked up again, the same guy, the same manner, the same softness.

"You're okay Lana..." the voice comes back to you and relaxes you. "You are okay. I will help you..."

You breath lightly, feeling light on your back. You feel far too numb to feel any of your senses until a slight pain in your arm. It stings but the voice keeps muttering to you, making you feel very safe and warm inside. Then you realize the stinging was from the arm that was stabbed that one night, or you think was stabbed. From this point on, you were not sure what reality was.

"It's almost done, sweet Lana." He whispers to you, you can almost see a smile on the mystery man's face. You smile back. "You're okay..." he strokes your swollen cheek gently.

You let out a small whimper because you feel a great deal of pain in your upper left arm again. "N-n..no." You try to roll away from him but he stops you.

"Just a little longer, then we're done..." He murmurs softly into your ear. He then takes out something from a container. You realize it's a bottle of Sleeping Pills.

You feel weak and let him slowly slip the pill through the paasage to your mouth; your lips. It tastes bitter in your mouth and you try not to swallow, though he moves your jaw up and down so you chew it, sensing it is the only way to get it down. "Now swallow." He whispers in a sweet tone. "Lana. Please, do it. It will make you feel better, I promise..."

You finally decide to obey and swallow the bitter tasting pill. Almost instantly afterwards you feel drowsy, eyes straining to
stay open.

"Just sleep..." the man strokes your cheek like before then gives you a deep kiss then says goodbye. He then reluctantly walks out.



She was and is adorable, he thinks. He can't wait for her to be with him and his forever. How does he do it though? It kills him not knowing how to help her.

Hoseok slam his fists onto his table in my bedroom. "Damnit!!" Hoseok grumbles and try to keep from smashing anything.

"Hahaha.... hahahah.... HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH...." Hoseok runs his fingers through his silky soft hair.

"Lana is mine. She will always be. She won't escape. They won't take her. No one. No one. NO ONE. I will take her. Comfort her. Love her."

"She. Will. Be. Mine."

"No matter the cost."

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